Learn How to Hunt Turkey as Spring Season Beckons
Maybe you want to learn how to bag your next Thanksgiving turkey. Or perhaps you need a refresher course so your skills are sharp when spring turkey season opens April 14.
Then sign up now for Turkey Hunting 101, a Colorado Parks and Wildlife class scheduled for 6:00 p.m., Monday, April 9, at the Lake Pueblo State Park auditorium.
District Wildlife Manager Gretchen Holschuh is hosting the free, three-hour class, which is open to everyone from novice to experienced hunters.
Turkey-hunting experts will discuss turkey biology, teach participants how to properly execute turkey calls, cover the proper equipment needed, tactics for a successful hunt and tips for areas to find the birds.
“The class will practice calling in birds with slate calls,” Holschuh said. “And all participants will be able to ‘speak some turkey’ before the end of the class.”
The classes requires pre-registration which can be done online at theCPW website: https://www.register-ed.com/events/view/121425
The class is free and participants do not need a parks pass to reach the auditorium.
For more information, contact Holschuh at 719-561-5300.