Legal Notice - Grant Application
Public Notice
The Town of Eads hereby notifies its constituents and the general public that it is in the process of filing applications for grant and loan assistance with the office of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division for its Drinking Water Revolving Fund program. The funding being sought is to enable the Town of Eads to address deficiencies within its water system. The location of the project improvements, the project description, projected costs, funding sources and environmental issues are to be discussed at a public meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. at the Town of Eads Town Hall.
Any questions in regard to this matter should be addressed to the attention of Ms. Robin Fox, Town Clerk, Town of Eads, PO Box 8, Eads, CO 81036.
Published September 16, 2016
In The Kiowa County Press