
Pages from the Past - From the 137-year history of the Kiowa County Press - May 19, 2024
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago - May 15, 2009
- Jamee Kilesen receives Making a Difference Award. May 4, Jamee saved the life of another high school FFA member who had been pulled from a swimming pool. Jamee administered CPR. The boy regained consciousness then the EMT’s took over.
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: A long train went through with those long arms for the wind farm. Marty said she counted about 50.
- As the West End Turns- Michelle Wyckoff: Twenty Moms from the West End met for the Mother’s Day Tea at the Haswell Community Building.
- Plainview students and sponsors took a field trip the Sand Luis Valley and the Great Sand Dunes.
25 Years Ago - May 14, 1999
- Donna Davis of the Colorado State Forest Service provided the Eads Board of Trustees a summary of projects she has performed over several years. Several grants have been used to plant trees along Maine St., school and the fairgrounds.
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: We want to congratulate the Kit Carson Concert Band on winning the national championship at Colorado Springs.
40 Years Ago - May 18, 1984
- Plainview graduates six from Kindergarten, 10 from the eighth grade and seven seniors.
50 Years Ago - May 17, 1974
- Fishing Notes: Nee Noshe Reservoir rates as fair. The channel between Upper and Lower Queens is fair to good for crappie.
75 Years Ago - 1949
- Two new service stations will open soon on highway 287 in the south part of Eads. Ray Clark is putting in a machine shop and Roy Sibcy is in the process of building. Otto J. Ebright is expected to put a new Standard station in near future.