
Pages from the Past - From our 132-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
August 27, 2004
- Kiowa County has SAGE lunch meal tickets (purchase through a federal grant) to distribute free to any Kiowa County resident age of 60 or older.
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: Bill Skinner from across the street called and said some turkeys were roosting in the trees by his house.
25 Years Ago
September 2, 1994
- Towner Tales- Ann Harkness: Temperature lately have been hovering in the mid 90’s to low 100’s. Even though some famers had begun to drill wheat, many are waiting for cooler temperatures.
- About Town- Ida Lessenden: You won’t want to miss the 12thAnnual Jamboree. There will be about 90 people performing fine musical numbers.
40 Years Ago
August 31, 1979
- Sheridan Lake Ripples-Mrs. Oren White: Returning home from basketball camp in Prescott Arizona, Glen Koeller, Butch Crocket, David Anderson and Greg Shalberg were not seriously injured when a semi truck hit them, totaling the car belonging to Crocket
50 Years Ago
August 29, 1969
- Notice was posted in the railroad depot at Eads last week stating that Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. has filed with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) notice of change in service at depots in Eads, Sheridan Lake and Towner.
- U.S. Air Force Major Raymond E. McFarlane, son of Mr. & Mrs. C.L. McFarlane Towner, has been decorated with the Bronze Star Medal at Kelly Air Force Base in Texas for meritorious service while engaged in military operations against Viet Cong forces.
75 Years Ago
August 25, 1944
- Levelle’s “Hit & Miss”: Let’s not worry too much about the dime raise in haircuts. Red says it included trimming the moustache and clipping brush from the nose and ears!
- Mr. & Mrs. A.F. Wenger returned from a few days business trip to Denver, Colorado Springs, Canon City and other points up state. While he was away, Mr. Wenger accepted the position as campaign manager for his personal friend, Roy Best, candidate for Governor of the state of Colorado.
100 Years Ago
August 22, 1919
- The road running north of Eads, commonly known as the Kit Carson road, is going to be taken over by the state and will be put into first class shape. The road will be resurfaced with a heavy layer of clay and when completed will need no care except dragging after rains.
August 29, 1919
- Kiowa County will soon be traversed by three main north and south lines of travel if the present plans are materialized. A highway in the east end of the county running from Cheyenne Wells through Sheridan Lake to Bristol; a highway from Kit Carson to Wiley and Lamar; a highway in the west end from Boyero trough Haswell to Las Animas. With these the roads running north and south and the state highway running east and west through the central part of the county, traveling public will be able to reach any point north or south of here as easily as they can the points on the Kansas-Colorado Boulevard.