
Pages from the Past - From our 132-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
December 10, 2004
- Tri-County GM and Eads FFA chapter announced the two organizations raised more than $2,500 in scholarship and operational funds though the FFA/Chevrolet Scholarship Program
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: Something always brings back memories. Many years ago, when Lee still had her café’ open, Ferlin Husky, the singer from Nashville, his wife and a friend stopped. They were going elk hunting.
25 Years Ago
December 16, 1994
- Eighty-seven guest braved the icy road, cold and foggy weather to tour the new Sheridan Lake Heartland Medical Clinic.
- Rod Johnson of the Kiowa County Consolidated Far Service Agency reports the office will NOT close contrary to local rumors. The confusion resulted when the NCRS in the town of Kiowa was targeted for closure in the wake of recent reorganization of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
40 Years Ago
December 14, 1979
- Santa is coming December 15 following the second movie.
- From the Sheriff’s Desk-Floyd Griswould: We spent most of the afternoon in the Towner area chasing Kansas coyote hunters. Remember: before you go chasing across someone’s property, you had better have permission.
- Bright Star Chapter No.106 of the Eastern Star honored Kathlyn Forster on her 50th year in Eastern Star.
50 Years Ago
December 12, 1969
- The Town of Eads is in process of cleaning more than 15,000 feet of water line in the town and water service would be interrupted periodically. To give advance notice, R.H. Musselman would drive the length of the street or streets sounding his horn to warn patrons the water service would be interrupted within a short time.
75 Years Ago
December 1, 1944
- Citizens of Eads are working on a proposition which may result in the construction of an airport located west of town.
- Gene Kelley was the winner in a race for Sheriff of Kiowa County when the vote resulted in a tie between Kelley and C.A. Wood. Soldier ballots were counted and Mr. Wood overcame a lead of 45 votes held by Kelley. The matter is still in state of question because a soldier ballot, in which the voter had marked his ballot for Kelley, then scratched it out and voted Wood, was not counted, resulting in a tie. In deciding the vote by lot, Gene Kelley was the lucky man.
100 Years Ago
December 5, 1919
- The town council met and decided to call a special election on the waterworks and electric light proposition that the property owners of Eads may decide whether the town is to have these things now or at some time in the future.