Thoughts, Things, and Trivia by Jack – February 13, 2024
Trust that you all had an enjoyable gathering for the Super Bowl. It was estimated to cost around $60 to attend the game in 1967; this year, it is estimated to cost over $60,000 to attend the game and a week of activities. I lost interest when the players started showing disrespect for the anthem.
Got 2-3” of snow on the weekend, had good moisture, most of it melted by the afternoon. Snow this time of the season is kinda nice, wet, gone in a brief period and not much of a chance for a blizzard.

A celebration of life was held in Kit Carson for the third person who got their wings. Jesus got an avid fisherman to help reel them in. God also had special assignments for the other two. An old Pastor told me that he believed when God determined that a person accepted Jesus, and assignment on Earth was completed, you went to Heaven to continue the battle against Satan.
A recent e-mail knocked the wind out of me, sent by a journalist who is an educated purveyor of information, good or bad. The gist was that the paper did not publish opinions on politics and asked to cherry pick the weekly submittal, I agreed. After some time for thought and research, I do not agree that cherry picking should be the main staple of mainstream and social media. Too much disinformation with limited facts is dissimulated. Good readers think about this: “Politics is the lubricant of Society”. Politics affects every event in our life. During the evolution of the hunter-gather period there was no need for politics because the old ones had the knowledge to survive. Since the agrarian evolution and beyond, politics has become the necessary lubricant for society. What is politics; politics with small p is the ability to collective make decisions for survival, Politics with big P is the ability to gain power to control society and selectively make decisions for minority survival. The dissemination of reliable and truthful information is needed.