PROMO 64 Government - Building Eads Town Hall at Sunrise - Chris Sorensen

Town of Eads Regular Council Meeting - January 13, 2025

Eads Town Hall at Sunrise - © / Chris Sorensen

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe Shields at 5:00 P.M.

Roll call was taken by Robin Fox. Those council members present are

  • Tuck Liebl
  • Fred Derby
  • Dennis Pearson
  • Kathy McCracken
  • Mayor Joe Shields
  • Rich O’Brian
  • Stephanie Sewell
  • Mikahael Rogers, assistant Town Clerk
  • Trent Rittgers, Director of Public Works
  • Eric Pearson was present as a guest.

Public CommentBranden Dunlap was present to ask if the fire department could keep a key on at the bulk water. Even though Russ said they could get a credit card for the truck, Dunlap said that will not work or cash. Dunlap also said he didn’t see a problem with the fire department paying for their water either at the bulk tower or the fire house water. Dunlap also said that if they continue to fill pools for people that they would collect the money and bring it into the town office to pay for the water. Dunlap asked who had paid for the pools this past summer and said he would contact those that hadn’t paid, all pools will be charged $8.00 a thousand that the department fills.


Tuck Liebl, made a motion to approve the December minutes that were presented. Stephanie Sewell seconded the motion. All Aye


A motion was made by Kathy McCracken to approve the bills and seconded by Fred Derby. All Aye.


Roger Saffer brought in the contract with the corrections he would like to see on his lease for the land that his business is on. Town Clerk will send it to the attorney and see what he thinks.


Ordinance 416 water sewer trash rates: The board agreed to raise the water and sewer 5 percent but to leave trash alone this year. Kathy McCracken made the motion to approve the raise, Stephanie Sewell seconded. All Aye.

Betsy Barnett was present to give the update on the building that will house the library; the contract should be here within a week to get the final stage going. All invoices will have to come to the town hall and the office will enter into the portal for payments. Marty and Fred will oversee the project. The draft contract was read and Stephanie Sewell made a motion to approve the contract and Fred Derby seconded. All aye.

Bring up Items- There has been a number of concerns regarding one piece of property within the town limits, the safety of someone getting hurt, and the number of skunks and cats are also a concern with this piece of property. Trent will reach out to the owner and see what their intentions are with the property. The board would at least like to see the house boarded up on all windows and doors. Trent did speak to the owner and will reach back out and ask that they do board up the house.

Executive Session- The board went into executive session at 6:01 to discuss wages again.

Board came out of executive at 6:30 and discussed giving Robin a 3 percent raise as she was not discussed at the last meeting. Trent will stay at the state wage since he went up in a position.

Joe Shields, Mayor

Robin Fox, Town Clerk