USDA Update
By USDA Service Center Staff
- CCC-633EZ Page 1 – Loan Deficiency Payment (LDP) agreement and request – MUST BE SIGNED AND ON FILE WITH FSA OFFICE BEFORE SELLING THE GRAIN.
- 2nd Tuesday each month - Farm Loan personnel in Kiowa County FSA Office.
- August 1 – Deadline to request farm reconstitution or farm transfer for 2016. This includes transfers for physical county ARC-CO yields.
- August 1 - 2016 ARC-PLC Enrollment Deadline
- August 1 - County Committee Nomination Deadline - LAA 3 – west end
- CRP GRASSLANDS SIGNUP - No date announced for deadline.
The fire this past week east of Eads left some pasture land bare and all concerned are hoping for some rain to that area soon for recovery. Producers who suffered damage from the fires are encouraged to contact Farm Service Agency as they could possibly be eligible for the loss of pasture land.
The deadline for County Committee nomination petitions is fast approaching. The western portion of the county, LAA3 which is the area from county Rd 27 to Crowley county line will hold an election this year. Current eligible voters received a postcard informing them of the election. Producers Deadline for submitting a petition is by close of business on Monday, August 1st, 2016.
July 15th was the end of the primary nesting season for the year. Producers who have been notified and have consulted with NRCS on their contract management requirements can now begin to implement those plans. Be reminded, contract management is a requirement. Producers who do not complete a management activity can be determined out of compliance with the contract.
The following management activities are available for producers. Consulting with NRCS is required if the desired activity is not the activity recommended.
- Routine grazing - Two 60 day grazing periods have been established. July 16th thru September 14th and October 1st thru November 30th. If the livestock grazing is not owned by a beginning farmer and rancher the CRP payment is reduced by 25% of the rental rate per acre, if owned by beginning farmer and rancher then the reduction is zero. NRCS and FSA are recommending producers to possibly consider using the two grazing periods and have only one charge. The rental rate reduction is based on fiscal year; therefore the grazing must begin in October end in November and then depending on conditions and height of grass can begin again July thru September.
- Routine Haying - can occur 1 out of every 5 years, after the cover is fully established. Participants will be allowed to hay up to 50% of the each field or contiguous CRP field in one specific FY. The participant will be required to leave a minimum of 50% unhayed for wildlife. Removal of hay must be by November 13th of each year. Payment reduction of 25% of annual rental rate applies.
- Interseeding – after grass has been established. Seed 2 to 3 different grasses that were not present in the original grass seed mix. NRCS will determine the grass mixture. Cost shares for seed and seeding are available.
- Residue Management - harrowing or light tillage. This will be in accordance with NRCS requirements as to the depth of the disking. Cost share is available at a flat rate of $7.00 per acre.
Hopefully this week the office will get the release to issue the LDP payments to producers who have requested the LDP. Software is currently being put into place to track the payment limitation which is $125,000 per person.
LDP rates for Hard Red Wheat in Kiowa County from last week. Rates are updated daily by 8:00 a.m. MST.
Listen to Ty Harmon on KLMR radio during the noon Ag report each weekday and he will be announcing the daily LDP rates for all SE Colorado counties.
Producers who either request the LDP or sell their grain on a specific day receive the rate for the day in the county where the grain is stored. To request the LDP on a specific day without selling the grain – the producer MUST complete the CCC-633 EZ page 2 before the close of business. Producers who sell their grain have until March 31, 2017 to request the LDP if they haven’t done previously and will be paid on the rate for the date of sale.
Telephone 719-438-5851 FSA (Ext 2), NRCS (Ext 3). FSA Fax number: fax2mail 844-332-7501
E-mail individuals (Example, dawna.weirich, charla.ferris, hallie.barlow, marvin.watson, marlin.miller,
Telephone 719-336-3437 (ext2) Natalie Bond;; Mary Rhoades,
Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. By appointment only on Friday.
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