PROMO 660 x 440 Agriculture USDA Service Center Update

USDA Update

Agriculture USDA Service Center Update
USDA Service Center Staff



  • March 15 – July 15th - Primary Nesting Season for CRP.  No practice or management activity allowed.
  • April 15, 2016 – Deadline to submit CCC-861A, ‘Request for waiver of administrative county methods for ARC-CO yields’.
  • July 15, 2016 - Production submission deadline for 2015 NAP crops.
  • Aug 1, 2016 – Deadline to request farm reconstitution for 2016.
  • Aug. 1, 2016 -  2016 ARC-PLC Enrollment Deadline





Happy 40th anniversary to the National organization of Women Involved in Farm Economics, better known as the ‘WIFE’ organization.  Kiowa County is lucky enough to have this organization represented in our county.  Tireless efforts of a few have made a huge impact in agriculture.  When the ‘red coats’ hit the hill of our nation’s Capital; senators and congressman are forced to listen to the concerns facing US farmers and rancher.  Our local chapter is always happy to receive new members.  For more information about Kiowa County WIFE chapter; contact Phyllis Nelson at 719-438-5682.


Linda Newman, National WIFE President stated in the WIFEline recent newsletter; ‘In 1976, women from all over the US decided to get organized to help their husbands and families to stay ‘afloat’ in farming and ranching, so, as a result, the Women Involved in Farm Economics and the American Agri women organizations were founded.  Both organizations are still beating the drum for a healthy and robust Rural America’. 


Linda wrote the following letter description of A-G-R-I-C-U-L-T-U-R-E.


A...Agriculture – the definition of agriculture is the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products. 

G...Grain Markets -  US grain markets are in the tank, not much better than they were 40 years ago and, most likely, much worse when the cost of production is taken into account.  There are so many variables that affect our markets these days.  It used to be, basically, supply and demand, but that isn’t the case in 2016.

R...Robust – the dream of every farmer and rancher is to have a robust Ag economy so they could be certain that they will survive the odds and be around for another year to do it all over again. 

I...Interesting –there is never a dull moment in agriculture, the wonder of new life in the spring of plants and animals, then wonder how to keep them all alive and thriving.

C...Costs—when expenses for supplies rise, they usually don’t respond to commodity price declines, thus putting more pressure on bottom lines and financial support for the next year.

U...Undying Passion- this has to be a trait of all farmers and ranchers in business today. I know of no other industry that demands so many ‘split second’ decisions due to outside forces of drought, floods, fire, blizzards, Government regulations, unpredictable markets just to name a few.

L...Love—rural residents love and take pride in their small rural communities, schools, churches, sports teams and local businesses.  I know of no better place to raise a family than in rural America, rural kids learn responsibility, respect, teamwork, a great work ethic, resilience, leadership.


T...Trust- farmers and ranchers have to have a lot of trust, in the weatherman to give an accurate weather forecast so they can prepare for the storms; trust in the banker to see your vision and provide the funds; your insurance provider to make sure your assets are adequately covered and many others, such as neighbors, hired men, livestock buyers and crop adjusters.

U...Utterances – farmers and ranchers sometimes display some ‘colorful’ language! Guess some things just bring out uncontrollable emotions at times!

R...Respect- farmers and ranchers have a healthy respect for Mother Nature, natural resources and the land.

E...Energy—it takes a lot of energy to do what it takes to get the job done on farms and ranches, ‘daylight to dark’ and ‘seven days a week’ isn’t for the faint of heart. 


 William Jennings Bryan said, “Burn down your cities and your cities will spring up again, but destroy our farms and grass will grow in the streets of every city”.   


There has been a lot of changes in Agriculture in 40 years; however there is one constant, the WIFE organization is still there fighting for the U.S. farmer and rancher and making their voices heard.   Thank You!


2015 Production records and NAP Application for Payment

Spring seeded NAP crop producers are reminded that 2015 production must be summarized and submitted to the county office by July 15th.  Producers who suffered an eligible 2015 loss and filed a notice of loss with our office must also complete their production report and sign an application for payment by July 15th in order to be eligible for payment.   Complete and accurate production records are necessary for participation in the NAP program.    If you have questions regarding your production records please contact the office.     



Telephone 719-438-5851

FSA (Ext 2)

NRCS (Ext 3).

FSA Fax number: fax2mail 844-332-7501

E-mail individuals (Example








Telephone 719-336-3437 (ext2)

Natalie Bond

Mary Rhoades



Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

By appointment only on Friday.


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