Recent declining condition ratings have halted.
Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey.
After several weeks of deteriorating condition ratings for the winter wheat crop, things have largely stabilized over this past week.
As some of the drier areas of the central plains picking up some much needed moisture.
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey told us as we begin this week, here's how the crop's doing.
Exactly one half of the crop nationally rated good to excellent, 16 percent very poor to poor.
A week ago those numbers were at 49 percent good to excellent and an equal amount 16 percent rated very poor to poor.
And despite some wet weather, we still see a pretty hefty number for wheat heading by May 5th, 43 percent.
Ahead of the five-year average of 32 percent, ahead of last year's 34 percent.
Meanwhile, farmers are planting spring wheat.
They've got 47 percent of it in the ground, far ahead of average of 31 percent.
Gary Crawford for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.