5 Creative Ways to Encourage Kids to Play Outside
Summertime is the best opportunity to get kids in the habit of going outside rather than sticking indoors. It gets tiring having to convince your child to head outside for a few minutes every day. But what if there were things you could say and do that would motivate them? With summer break upon us, it’s important to follow through with these creative ways to encourage kids to play outside without taking a ton of effort on your part. Check it out!
Explain Why It’s Important
If your kids don’t know why they should get outside, why would they go outside? Do your best to explain the different reasons kids need outdoor playtime. We’re not saying that you need to delve into this reasoning every single time, but it’s a good idea to remind them now and then how getting outside helps them grow and develop.
Let Them Get Artsy With Chalk
Sure, chalk isn’t that new of an idea, but the creativity kids can get into with chalk can help your indoor lovers embrace the outdoors. Let them draw all over the driveway, give them stencils to help grow their confidence with various shapes, and even let them out in the rain to see how water affects the designs. More colors, more fun!
Get the Gear That Excites
If you have more chalk colors, your kids will probably be more excited to draw with them. It’s the same mindset with outdoor gear in general—the more you have that will excite the kids, the more excited they’ll be to get outside. If that means splurging on a trampoline, maybe that’s what you should do. However, make sure your kids are actually interested in the gear before you splurge on anything too expensive.
Start Challenges
Some kids are more competitive than others. If that’s the case with your kids, start some challenges with them! If they have a fitness tracker, compare them at the end of each night to see who’s gotten the most movement in. Try things like bike races around the nearby school track or a game of badminton. You could even ask them to explain one of their favorite games to you, and then you could play that. This technique requires a bit more effort from you, but it does that trick for motivating.
Switch up the Environment
Another creative way to encourage kids to play outside, especially for those who enjoy the comfort of the indoors more, is simply by taking their indoor activities outside. If they like to cozy up on the couch and read or write, then bring them outside to do the same. They can sit out on the patio, on a blanket in the yard, or on a chair on the driveway. Either way, there’s typically a way to bring their indoor activities outside.