About Town – April 26, 2021
“Be kindly affectioned to one another with brotherly love.” Romans 12:10
The turkey vultures have soared over Eads during their migration flight. They like to roost in the tallest tree on the east side of our courthouse, so it is entertaining to watch them swoop around and spend some nights here.
Maine Street was lined with more cars than usual as more people than usual attended the monthly noon Eads senior citizens’ lunch. President Loretta Seibel greeted the people who were enjoying the new carpet and wood flooring since last month as Terry Laird and Cardon Berry and others set out more round tables so we could enjoy Gail Voss’ chicken enchiladas and all those delicious side dishes and desserts. We moved the dining space to the Wissel side because the Scroggins side was too small. The Eads students enjoyed having their prom in our center. One feature that they liked was the net of balloons hung from the big skylight in the National Park Service floor that spilled out balloons after the King, Joe Hasse, and Queen, Amber Kopasz, were crowned. Loretta announced that we are going to have coffee hours Mondays at 2:00 p.m. for men and women. We are going to learn to play some card games and have other games we can play. In fact, there are two corn hole games boards set up already. Madonna Pollreis, the Secretary, read the minutes, and Treasurer Joyce Berry told us that the flooring is paid. She stated that we are so thankful to generous people who have donated funds for other furnishings or equipment we need. Brad Buck, board member of our district on the Southeast Colorado Power Association board sent $100. The Sage noon meal will be May 5, the brunch will be May 6 at 10:00 a.m. The monthly noon lunch will be May 19.
The Weisbod staff had a bountiful potluck to honor two ladies who are retiring after years of service to Kiowa County Hospital District: Eunice Weber and Marnie Adamson, and for Dawn Back, Physician Assistant, who has also been a beloved employee and friend to patients. Dawn and Dale are moving to Minnesota to be near their grandchildren.
My brothers and I were happy to have our sister, Virgyln, visit our families while she was here from Kansas to celebrate her great grandchildren, Wyatt and Willa’s Mattuski’s, first birthday in Colorado Springs.
The Haswell Westender Senior Citizens enjoyed a turkey dinner Wednesday evening that Wanda and Virgil Lessenden baked to serve with side dishes that other folk brought. Their presenter was Abby Weber, who is the Southeastern Colorado Family Science and Consumer Extension Agent. She gave a wonderful interactive presentation on “Who’s going to get Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?” The goal is to encourage adults to write down plans for succession of their possessions. In simpler terms: how and what a person wants their heirs to have their possessions disbursed.
Last Sunday afternoon, Praise Community Church hosted a marvelous piano recital that was so gratifying to see tiny tots to pre-teens play the piano. Students performing were Sophia Mitchell from Kit Carson; Kytan Gooden, Kyce Gooden and Kalen Gooden, Mia Crow, Jett Deines, and Addison Courkamp from Eads; and from Cheyenne Wells were three of the Gooden’s grandchildren, Aliyah Muth, Caden Muth, and Jayselyn Muth. The charming piano teacher is Mary Beth Akers of Weskan, Kansas, who comes to Eads one day per week to teach lessons. You can look at those names and just imagine all the parents, grandparents, and relatives who attended the recital, plus many others who love music and want to encourage young people to play the piano. One of my favorite memories was at an Eads fine arts show to see and hear Kenan Gooden when he was about 5 or 6 years old playing a tiny violin. Celena Lessenden wanted to adopt him.
Logan Smith thanks all the people who have prayed for his mother, Tracy Smith, who continues to battle brain cancer. They appreciate the people who have prayed, called, brought food, and encouraged her and all the family.
This Thursday is the Future Farmers of America Labor Auction. Won’t you come with your money to support these stellar students?
Baseball is beginning. Home games will be May 7 with County Line at 6:00 p.m., plus games May 8 and May 11. You can see the full schedule here.
May 6 is the high school academic/athletic banquet and awards program.
May 7 and 8 is the health fair at Eads Elementary School. Don’t be shy, please take time to take care of yourself for the sake of your family and friends. You may remember that there have been many lives saved in this county (especially men) because they had a simple blood test or other evaluation at the health fair. It is mostly free, with the tests ranging from $36 to $56. A person can pay for more tests if they wish. Think positively about it. You can go to the school either morning.
Track begins for Middle School at McClave April 29 and in Lamar May 1. Let’s get outside to support our students and get some sun too.
Eads Seniors graduate Saturday, May 29 while Kit Carson’s seniors will graduate Sunday, May 9.
Please be careful if you drive toward Kit Carson, there were two truck accidents last week at the Rush Creek bridge where workers are rebuilding.
Shalom, My Friends.