About Town – January 4, 2021
“Joy to the world” … it is 2021!
January 6 is Epiphany Day, the day on which some traditionally celebrate the coming of the three kings - however there could have been many more who came to honor the King - who was Messiah Jesus, who had been born in Bethlehem. Truthfully, these wealthy men came from a distant land about two years later. They came to Joseph and Mary’s house, not the stable, to give the young Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
This has been a peaceful, mostly sunny Christmas time in Eads. Most of us are looking forward to a happier, more healthy year of 2021. I am eager and excited! How about you?
After this day of Epiphany, many people begin to take down their holiday decorations. I enjoy looking at my Christmas tree for as long as I can because I treasure the handmade decorations created for me by Alice Glover, Glaida Craven, Ann Kreutzer, Gerard Bachand, Melanie Haskell, Mandy Adamson, Glenda Stoker, Wanda Lessenden, Deana Griswould, Mona Appel, Virgyln Griswould, and others.
Saturday, Robin and I had the pleasure to explore the lovely new items in Cindy’s Treasure Shop. I usually go once a week or more, but it had been a month since I had to stay inside. We enjoyed her free coffee and seeing which classic car her father, Cardon Berry, had on display outside.
It was a fairly warm sunny day Saturday for the burial service at the Eads Cemetery for Dora Anna Pearcey, 89, with Lane and Debbie Gooden officiating. Those attending were invited to sing “Amazing Grace” at the beginning of the service and, at the end, Mrs. Gooden explained that the Pearcey family tradition was to encircle their mother before they left her and sing, “Jesus Loves Me.” Oh, it was perfect. It has been my experience through the years when I facilitated Bible classes at the Weisbrod Nursing Home and Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center that the one song most men and women do remember, and sing, is “Jesus Loves Me.” I particularly remember Lola Igou’s mother, Mrs. Stone, that when the pastor would ask the nursing home Sunday afternoon church, “What would you like to sing?” Mrs. Stone would say with a wide smile, “Jesus Loves Me.” The Pearcey family thank the men and women of the United Methodist Church who served a noon lunch and coffee hour afterwards.
The good news is that Terry Riley and Betsy Barnett, with the assistance of Mary Vasquez, opened the Plains Theatre last week. Please remember to stop by the ice cream shop for ice cream, a beverage, pop corn, or candy Friday, Saturday or Sunday. This will help the Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center to keep the doors open and pay the bills. In fact, please take every opportunity that you can to buy local. It is vital for our economy in Kiowa County.
After living through the pandemic months of 2020, some of the most gratifying things or happenings during this time which come to mind is the goodness of people in America and Kiowa County. Many people are grateful for advances in technology, namely the ability to stream events, church services, graduations, weddings, sports, and visits with loved ones in care centers or hospitals. Think of our teachers all over America teaching students via the computer or tablets and the parents who have suddenly become “home school teacher-parents.” I have heard that most parents have done well to support or guide their children while others have difficult or stressful moments. We need to encourage them. Kind reader, let us look for an opportunity to help or encourage these youth and adults. Actually, there is so much goodness in our community. Some “goodness” happenings that come to mind are all the giving for food banks, gifts for kids, food baskets, plates of food or desserts taken to people in their homes. During the pandemic, many people have told me how grateful they are for the time at home and to be with their families. They like the chance to de-clutter their homes, to get more rest and sleep. Others have read more books, gone for more walks, spent more time in parks, and their blood pressure has gone down!
Logan Smith shared that their family was happy to get to take his mother, Tracy, home at Christmas, from the Eads hospital after being in Denver hospitals for months. She can take a few steps. This is good news! I saw a teacher, Sue Fox, walking this week with one of her fellow teachers, Charlene Gifford. Sue said she is healing more daily.
When I saw the nursing home’s roofed trailer I thought, “that is another legacy that Bob Howerton left our community.” It has been great for parades and giving residents rides around town.
The daughters of Art Blooding and the Wissel sisters are mourning the death of their uncle, Lee Blooding, who died last week. Lee and Maxine were the first leaders of the Prairie Queen 4-H Club.
Prowers County seniors are advertising for volunteers to deliver “Meals on Wheels.” Areta Laird, Director of Sage Services, is fortunate to have wonderful men and women who deliver in this county. Recently I met a new volunteer, Claire Prince. What a charming lady she is.
Remember readers: There is always hope!