About Town – July 4, 2022
“God will not forget your work and the .ove you have shown.’’ Hebrews 6:10
I like to visit with Mary Marble Tuesday mornings when I am at Prairie Pines. She is an amazing woman and shares so much wisdom with me. August 11, she will be 98 years old! She told me again last week, “Doris, I think every day is a gift from God. At my age, I don’t know how many days I have.” That is so true. Then we talk about our blessings. And I add how important it is to tell people that you love them. Last week I was invited to stay for lunch. Christina Wolf served such a delicious meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy with corn and buttered bread. I had the pleasure to be seated by Mr. Don McCoin, who I find to be one of the more interesting men in our town. I like to hear his experiences in World War II and afterwards. He enlisted in the Coast Guard to be stationed several years in the Antarctica area to protect our country. He and Esther moved from South Dakota to Denver, where he had a used car lot and a furniture store. Later, he sold all the furniture for what is now the Travelor’s Lodge in Eads to Clyde and Bernice Crow. They shared a good friendship and lots of travels to shows where they exhibited their pigeons. I told Clyde’s great grandson, Cameron Crow, that I am glad he decided to move back from Denver to live in Eads. We need a younger Crow to carry on the legacy and good things that the Crow families have brought to our town and county.
There are many people who have been celebrating wedding anniversaries over the past two months. Several ladies tell me that they have been married 30 years, 50 years. It just amazes me! Most were my students. “Where did the time go? I question myself. Well, I was enjoying my good life. I like it when people like Monty and Tracey (Jacobs) Weeks fly off on another honeymoon. Celebrate those 30 years!
Congratulations to Rachel (Brown) Bletzacker, who has earned her degree and certification from Chamberlain University of Nursing to be a Family Nurse Practitioner. She is also a registered nurse who is the Director of Nursing at Weisbrod Hospital.
Everyday, landscape artist Terry Aldridge and Brian Patterson water the beautiful roses and plants that she planted. Money donated to the Weisbrod Memorial Fund has funded this beautiful xeriscaping around the three Weisbrod buildings.
Cardon and Joyce Berry and Cindy (Berry) McCloud went to Kansas City, Missouri, to attending the wedding of their granddaughter and niece, Megan Berry, who is the daughter of Jimmy Berry.
Charlotte (Wright) Cook was buried next to her husband, James, in the Eads Cemetery last Friday. Their daughters are Sonya, Mary Lou, and Vicki.
Phillip and Phyllis Hollis and their adult sons and daughter and spouses of western Colorado, and Joyce (Hollis) Warren and her daughter, Sandi, were here last week to go through the belongings of their parents, Harvey and Clara. Many of these they offered in a four-day garage sale. We used to ride the school bus with the Hollis siblings about 60 years ago.
We have been anticipating the Independence Day Kids Parade. I made reservations for Robin and me to have lunch at Prairie Pines. Did you know that people can order a meal to go from the Prairie Pines? It would be whatever is on their menu that day. I can assure you that they have delicious meals there.
Exciting plans are being made for the annual Maine Street Bash July 30. The entrance is free, with vendors booths and music beginning at 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. There will be a beer garden, variety of foods offered, corn hole tournament, and places for kids to have activities and fun. Fans of Jared Weeks and Rhett Uhland and his band from Texas will be gathering for sure after 6:00 p.m. for dancing and visiting. This is the big night of the summer.
Flyers are posted for the Main Street Bash car show. Karl or Krystal Eikenberg can answer any questions. Motorcycles can also be displayed on Maine Street July 30 as well as be in the parade. The $20 entry fee will add up to sizable prizes.
The Praise Community Church hosted a wonderful three-day Vacation Bible School. The leaders thank the people from the community who helped in any way, and for the yummy cookies.
Meanwhile, volunteer committees are organizing two memorable days for the All School Reunion during the Kiowa County Fair, September 9-10. This will begin at the volleyball and football games with a “drag maine” time after the games. We are seeking donations for the Saturday pork barbeque, and for the silent auction to build the scholarship fund.
A “Happily Ever After Party” in Haswell honored Blake Stoker of Haswell and Kodie Hazs of Flagler. There was a beautifully decorated cake by Christina Wolf, dinner, dancing, and opening gifts before the young couple returns to Tennessee and the new home they are buying.
Let’s pray for our Sheriff’s Office and parents as they deal with drug problems.