Eads High School reunion committee continues planning for September gathering
In less than ninety days Eads Eagles across all generations will gather to reminisce and catch-up with one another. This will be a great time to slow down, renew friendships and remember those who impacted your life during school years and the moments that shaped who you are today.
Scholarships for graduating seniors are provided by Eads Eagle All-School Reunion Committee each year; the scholarships assist seniors in continuing their education. This year there will be a Silent Auction with items donated by local businesses and Eads Alum. Please take time to review the auction items and consider bidding as this will assist future Eagles! Bidding will end Saturday at 8pm.
Friday, September 9, 2022, all Eads Alum are invited to enjoy the Kiowa County Fair & Rodeo including a beef BBQ followed up by volleyball and football games beginning that evening. An Eads Eagle apparel store will be setup in the Multi-Purpose Room - grab a hat and t-shirt to commemorate your time at the reunion! Scholarship Silent Auction will also be located in the Multi-Purpose Room at the High School. Cheerleaders, bring your poms and prepare for a halftime football celebration that includes the Fight Song! Following the game, all are invited and encouraged to “Drag Maine” and fully embrace the high school tradition from years gone by.
Saturday, September 10, 2022, grab your morning coffee, venture downtown to first look at the Silent Auction and Apparel Store in the new Senior Center beginning at 8 am followed by the annual Fair parade beginning at 10am - grab a chair (or a tailgate) and enjoy. Make your way out to the Kiowa County Fair & Rodeo where they will be offering pork BBQ before the rodeo begins. Saturday night all alum is invited to the downtown event Meet on Maine with food trucks, a cornhole tournament, beer garden and DJ entertainment. We hope this allows all generations to enjoy one another’s company while offering a family friendly atmosphere.
The Committee will be meeting bi-weekly through August to finalize plans. The next meeting is June 22 at 5:30 p.m. in the Eads High School library. All are welcome to attend and if you are not able to attend, reach out via email. Due to rising costs in postage, the committee has chosen to only send postcards to the classes up to 1965. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at Eads Eagles All-School Reunion. If you have questions about the weekend events, email us at eadseaglereunion@gmail.com or contact Dawna Weirich @ 719-688-5416. Hope to see you at the reunion and remember, “once an Eagle always an Eagle!”