About Town – June 7, 2021
“Be Joyful in hope, patient in affliction, Faithful in PRAYER.” Romans 12:12
After the rains, the prairies of southeastern Colorado have grown green, and the wild flowers are pretty in patches of white primroses, lavender violets and blue bells with patches of orange wild geraniums. North of Eads on the Trosper and McPherson place, the Madonna Candles of the Prairie (yucca) are blooming!
Last week I listed the Eads school board members who were on the graduation stage. The other elected members who have been serving on the board are Matt Hyman, Darci Johnson, and Jessica Sierra. We do thank these men and women who serve to guide our schools. Matt Hyman has had a fine job offer back in Oklahoma, so his family is leaving. His wife, Jessica, has been a highly esteemed Family Nurse Practioner at the clinic in Eads for several years. Jessica has arranged to return to the clinic one weekend per month to take appointments on July 24, 25, and 26, and September 24-26, and in October. And now citizens of this school district, some man or woman needs to consider applying for Matt’s position.
According to Tim Weeks, his mother, June Weeks, left this earth to join her husband, Damon, and daughter, Bonnie, in heaven on Memorial Day. Tracey Weeks shared that this was so appropriate because Memorial Day was most important to her. Her burial was June 5 in Sublette, Kansas.
Last week, I drove to Kit Carson each day to help with Trinity Lutheran Vacation Bible School, where our theme was P.U.S.H., “Pray Until Something Happens,” and it did happen in many ways as we reached out to the community children in singing, Bible accounts, great crafts, and super snack foods related to the Bible lesson. Our mission effort was to donate money for two people in Kit Carson who are suffering with cancer, Carmelita Watson, mother of Russell Watson now of Eads, and the outstanding athlete Alberto Guttierez, who graduated from KCHS in 2013. Teachers were Tracey Weeks, Betsy Evans, Laura Negley, Pastor Barton, and Doris Lessenden.
Tuesday when I was driving home, I saw lots of cars around the community building in Eads where people gathered for the Betty Frazee funeral dinner. I hoped to see Betty’s children, Cheryl, Steve, Brent, and Kent. It was heartwarming to see them and so many of my former student friends. It seemed like a mini-Haswell reunion. There were a number of Frazee relatives, Browns, Davis, Uhland, Gifford, Weiser, and Weirich relatives represented there. Thank you for Donna (Howard) Weirich, who appeared to be the chair of the luncheon.
The Eads senior citizen brunch was last Thursday. Madonna (Wissel) Pollreis had a nice surprise when Pete Koch brought his summer neighbors who live next door, Doug and Viola (Wissel) Chandler, who live in the Greeley area. The ladies had a good time exploring our new building and reminiscing where all the doors and merchandise was in their uncle, Keith and MaryLea Wissel’s dry goods store had been. Joyce Berry is collected signatures of citizens to send with the grant application to be sent to Kansas for a grant we hope to qualify for more electrical outlets. The next meal will be at noon on Wednesday, June 16.
Our sympathy is extended to Steve (Marilyn) Baxter of Eads, whose brother, Dwayne Baxter, died in May in Springfield. Dwayne was a classmate to those of us who were in the Eads class of 1955.
The three Blooding sisters of Eads, Areta (Terry) Laird, Mary (Whit) Eikner, and Sylvia (Tim) Weeks, met their sisters from California, Mickie and Shaleta (Jerry), to attend the memorial service for their uncle, Lee Blooding, in Fort Collins. Their cousin, Lonnie Blooding, hosted them at his home for a meal. Other nieces who attended were Madonna (Phil) Pollreis and Phyllis (Floyd) Griswould, and their cousin, Glenda Kunzie. Lee’s wife, Maxine Blooding, who lives in Windsor, enjoyed time with family before she was taken back to her home.
The Eads cemetery looks so pretty this year and is well cared for by Sherry Turner, who is such a hard working lady about town. Thank you to Dan Richards, Roland Sorensen, Jamie Lane, Tony Jensen, Walter Blake, Nancy Walker and Amy Weirich of Eads, who placed the flags on the graves at the Eads Cemetery. At Kit Carson, it was the VFW Post 3411 and ladies from the VFW Auxiliary who placed the flags.
The Eads Chamber met last week at J J’s Restaurant to discuss a plan to sell business logos to Chamber members for the white trailer. They agreed on the citizens to be honored as fair parade marshals.
Mike Arth and his mother, Barb Seay, are back in Colorado Springs from the Mayo Clinic. The over six-hour operation on his brain and back has helped him but he has much re-education to learn to move around and walk.
Last weekend was a big trap shoot in Eads for adults, and 4-H competition at the fairgrounds, and this weekend there will be some kind of dog races out there. Let’s go see it.
It is good to see people staying and living at the Travelor’s Lodge in Eads since they have monthly or weekly rates now.
Almost daily there are numerous cattle trailers and vehicles around the cafes since this is branding season.
Shalom. Peace.