About Town
“May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you trust in Him.” Romans 15:13
I may have written that verse recently, but it is one of my favorites because of four words….hope, joy, peace, and Him.
The Junior Class decorated last week for the annual prom that means so much go the teenagers and their parents and friends when you observe all the folk who come to the gym for an hour or more to watch and wait to see all those pretty girls and handsome boys dressed in their finest attire of many colors and fabrics. The Prom King and Queen for 2018 were Zach Haase and Mindy Uhland. Their attendants all seniors were Madison Kelley, Brenna Rouse, Trey McDowell, and Trevor Randel. Crown bearers were Reece Barnett and Tucker Fry. After the crowning of the King and Queen the students began dancing under the extravagant decorations of twinkling blue lights and tulle across the whole gym. During the dance the students could munch foods set on two elegantly decorated tables with a chocolate fountain.
Wanda and Virgil Allen Lessenden were looking around the burned ruins of her childhood ranch home east of Highway 125 in the Hanover community when two television journalists interviewed her. It was a sad time for Wanda, but as she said on Channel 11, they had good memories with extended family members taking photos by Clyde and Ollie Ball’s fireplace last year.
The showing of “I Can Only Imagine,” a faith-based movie on the life of lead singer of the gospel group, Mercy Me, brought out record attendance the first two nights even though it was frigid outside the Plains Theatre. And Sunday, it was so wonderful to see the long lines of people coming to this heartwarming movie about forgiveness and music. The senior citizen group was the concession managers for the three nights and Sunday, Mindy Uhland was really swamped with requests for ice cream orders in The Scoop. It was gratifying to see the Splitters bring a big troop of students from Sheridan Lake and Towner and five or more parents from Kit Carson brought youth to see the movie.
Educator Shannon (Barlow) Ellenberger and seasoned bus driver, Tim Weeks took a large group of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) students to Vail where they competed at state for coveted honors.
Kelly Lujan, formerly of Eads, lost his wife, Jane, last week to death from complications of heart and cancer. Many friends from Eads extend their sympathy to Kelly and his two daughters and their families in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Our community was saddened to hear of the passing of Charlotte Phillips over the weekend. Charlotte and her husband, Don, who passed away last year, will be missed.
People asked Bud Bennett several times last week, “What does that black and white flag mean?” Remembrance. Well, Eads school students knew more after a week of “Remembrance” activities related to the Holocaust about the deaths of the Jews in Germany.
There was a larger than usual turnout of folk for the Eads senior citizen monthly dinner. Gail Voss cooked one of their favorites, chicken fried steak that was complemented by side dishes. Eunice Weber was on hand to take blood pressures
Next month, there will be two speakers and discussion about what visions we have for furnishing our future senior citizen’s center.
Logan Smith, Hays University graduate student, greeted people as they came to the pulled pork benefit dinner served at the Christian Church by his family and friends. He will go on a 58-day Christian mission trip to other counties and USA cities beginning in May.
The men who work at the local NAPA store are so helpful to ladies like me who do not have a command of mechanics, building or plumbing supplies. I really do appreciate their advice to my helper, Mike Arth, and me.
The Area Agency on Aging, which serves the senior citizens in five counties, held their monthly meeting at Prairie Pines last week. Eads’ representatives, Alice Glover, LaVerle Kelley, and Loretta Seibel, said that the new Director of AAA was so impressed with Prairie Pines, and all the people were amazed to see and taste such fine cuisine.
The open house of the Blue Roof vegetable and flower enterprise was Friday. They have two green houses for vegetables and flowers located east of Eads on the May Valley Road (Parker Road to some).
Linda Oswald Harper, who manages a Kansas Dollar Store, blesses me with surprise packages of towels or gifts as the season change. What a dear friend I have!
“The Riot and the Dance” was a Fathom show of beautiful scenes of animals, birds, reptiles, and insects in America and Sri Lanka narrated by a Doctor of Biology and Theology that pleased a lot of movie goers last Thursday.
The FFA Awards banquet and Barn Yard Day is this Thursday.
Baccalaureate will be Sunday, May 6, at the Eads First Christian Church.
Cora Grandy’s last day working in the commissioner’s office was Friday. She and her husband, Dave, manager of Loves Truck Stop, have been a real blessing to our community. We wish them blessings on the east coast.