About Town – November 11, 2024
November 3, the 4-H Council decided to have an afternoon tea for the awards program. I was curious, after about 77 years of watching and attending fabulous 4-H awards banquets through the years, it was a pleasant surprise. Sara (Seibel) Ferris was gracious to drive me in my van out to the community building. It was nice that we could sit with her families and see her grandchildren, Braya Ferris and Braxtyn Ferris, receive awards too. After decades of enjoying three course meals that were costly and time consuming to prepare, this was a pleasant change. Although the families brought lots of pretty cupcakes, cookies, and dessert, there were many crock pots and trays of good foods. Extension Agent Tearle Lessenden and his assistant, Krystal Eikenberg, organized and printed a really nice awards program on the highway sign theme, “Take the Best 4-Life Lessons.” We do appreciate them and their work for our Kiowa County 4-H members. Tearle also thanked all the sponsors of belt buckles and award money. The leaders of the projects are Gloria Trosper, David Englehardt, Michelle Nelson, Mark Nelson, and Debbie Cornelius. There are many other volunteers, like Tim Trosper, who took photos of each member after they had received their project and or activity awards. At the end, they announced the outstanding 4-H members in the three age groups: Jett Deines, Braxtyn Ferris, and Clayton Nelson. Krystal and Tearle related some facts about these outstanding young men and their accomplishments. One that impressed me was what Brandon Hoffman, President of the Economic Board, wrote about Jett Deines’ community service at Jackson’s Pond. After 77 years of knowing and watching 4-H members, I have observed that they are usually the better students, workers, and team workers on the job.
Halloween 2024 had good memories for so many people in Eads and surrounding communities. It was so delightful to see the parade of children from kindergarten to fourth grade come through the halls of Weisbrod. It was nice that the teachers had paired an older grade child with a younger student. Only in their excitement they went to quickly to see if we could recognize them in their colorful costumes. Jaton Wallace, our activity director, gave them heavy sacks of goodies. The surprising thing is that if they came at night, they could get four more different goodies, like orange popcorn balls; a bag of chocolates or candies; a bag with gifts like a bracelet, stickers and little gifts; and a bag with an apple and caramel wrap. I enjoyed the parents who dressed in costume and walked with their children. Two particularly pretty ladies were Shea Cordova Johnson and Kaylee Lenox. The employees had a good time by dressing up, too. It was very entertaining for the residents, and added to the fun of the day.
November 15-16, the Crow Luther Cultural Events Center is making history at the theatre on Maine at 7:00 p.m. People can watch the play, “Community Garden.” The director, Merena Lowe, says this a play that was adults and children act in. When one reads the cast list, it is interesting to see that some of the precious young actors and actresses are getting a chance to act with adults from the community whom I admire so much. November 17 at 6:00 p.m., Breanna Echols of Kit Carson will be singing in concert.
When I rolled to Maine Street last week, I took the longer way home when I saw a person painting a mural on the side of the new Claire’s Café Bean coffee shop on the north side of the Faye and Jimmy Bendorf building. It is surely to be beautiful! The artist said it could be a “photo op” for kids. I asked her who she was. “Sherry Herren,” she replied. I asked her if she was related to our Megan Herren, who lives here. The lady said, “I was married to her father. She recruited me to paint this.” I am eager for the snow to melt so I can go see it.
The Chamber of Commerce met Wednesday and made many decisions about Christmas plans. Denise Nelson, sponsor of the Eads Future Business Leaders of America, said that her students will organize flyers and the judging of homes that sign up for judging. The Chamber will pay the prize money in Eads Bucks, starting at $150. There will be four Friday drawings starting November 29. This year the Chamber increased the prizes to $200.00 in Eads Bucks.
Each week we who read the Kiowa County Press do so enjoy all those wonderful photos of happenings of all grades at the Plainview School submitted by Ruth Fees. They reflect happy students having good times in their education and recreation.
November 11 is Veteran’s Day that we celebrate in the USA. I will report on the local celebration next week.
The Hospital Auxiliary Bazaar is November 24 at the Kiowa County Community Building in Eads from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Enjoy this wonderful snow!