About Town – October 7, 2024
“God bless our native land … America”
Many hearts are heavy in Kiowa County and elsewhere related to the deaths of three good men of our town (Eads) and related to the first man I mentioned last week. That was Darrell “Pete” Koch. Three of his children live in Colorado - son, Barry and wife, Suzette, south of Kit Carson; daughters, Meredith and JC Cordova, and Morell and their families of Eads; and son, Neil and family of California
The second man was John Brown of Eads, whose funeral was scheduled for October 7 at the Kiowa County Community Building in Eads. John and Anita and their three adult children, Josh, Rachel Bletzacker, and, Jeramy, live in the county. Although John grew very thin this year as he continued to deal with cancer, he would still saunter in to the Home Town Gas and Grill with a smile and greeting as he ordered another cup of coffee.
And then our close family friend, Bart Michael, died in an auto accident last Saturday night. I appreciated him as a student friend and good athlete at Eads, and more recently as a trusted mechanic and advisor, and as a single father of two very nice young men, Aiden and Ty. A few years ago, he and his sons moved to near Wiley, where he became a well-liked and loved custodian, groundskeeper, bus mechanic, and coach. Bart’s funeral was October 5 in the Wiley school gymnasium.
Thinking about wonderful men of our community, we celebrated Bob Miller’s 97th birthday September 30. It was so nice that all his children were here - Marilyn Baxter, Marty Miller, and Frank Miller, and their spouses – Steve, Krissy, and Marci. Marty is so faithful to come nearly every evening to visit his father. We enjoyed seeing Marty’s son, Cory, and his great grandson.
Saturday night, when we saw the large Class A 6-Man Walsh Eagle football team on the nursing home television, I think that some of us were a little dubious. However, the Eads team dominated the scoreboard, even though five of their football players are on the sidelines injured. We were pleased to get to watch all the junior high and high school volleyball and football games. This new television viewing plan for most of the Colorado schools is absolutely wonderful for fans who cannot attend the games.
This is homecoming week at Eads High School. The students have been having a good time dressing in costumes for three days. At 10:00 a.m. Thursday, all the students were to meet in the football field dressed in purple and/or gold for an all-school photo. The is always too special to see. At the high school, you may see last year’s photo. By the way, have you bought your school’s yearbook - or annual, as some call it. Contact Denise Nelson, she will be able to assist you.
The Chamber of Commerce met Wednesday at noon. Brandon Hoffman gave the Treasurer’s Report, The Chamber was very pleased with all the donations for the two outdoor breakfasts at the fair. We discussed the possibility of a home decorating contest, and evaluated the traditional Santa visit, chili supper, and the location.
The weather for the fair was beautiful this year. There was a good turnout of people from a number of communities, plus many school alumni returned. It was most special to see old or former friends. The only thing I missed was the lack of music.
Dawna Howard Weirich and Meggan Herran co-chaired organizing the Alumni Golf Tournament, which is a scholarship fundraiser for EHS graduates, at the Eads Golf Club October 5. Thank you to these caring ladies and other volunteers and donors.
Congratulations to LeAnna and Hugh Brown, who celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary last week. Van and their son, Victor, went moose hunting in the Colorado mountains. At last report their son, Van Junior, shot his moose the first day.
Terry and Areta Laird were in Greeley over the weekend to attend a “reveal party.” A large number of their friends came to the festivities and meal in the city park. When Shalyn’s husband hit a ball that was pitched to him by one of his friends on a baseball field, it showered down lots of pink powder, meaning they are expecting their first child is to be a girl. They are a happy couple.
Ashlee and Josiah were chosen the Homecoming King and Queen of Kit Carson. Congratulations to these two seniors at Kit Carson High School.
Our families have been happy to see photos of my great niece, Colby Stoker Hill, and baby boy, Trace Allen Hill, in Kentucky. We are happy that they and Colby’s husband, Ty, will be moving to Colorado next month.