About Town – September 23, 2024
(Jesus said) ‘’This is my commandment, that you love one another.” John 15:17
I saw a lot of love shown to others at the Kiowa County fair last week in many places by various people.
For many people who attended parts or the entire fair, the morning breakfasts Thursday and Friday mornings were well attended by hundreds of people from many miles around. The joy of the fair to me and others, is to see old friends and, for me, my former student and 4-H friends, and my siblings and nieces and nephews are such a joy to me. This year the weather in Colorado was warm and lovely. Dear readers, many of you told me that you turn to my column first because you are eager to know what is “going on at my hometown,” so much of the “news” I am sharing with you this week is what I saw or experienced at the morning breakfasts, the exhibit hall, parade, and in the Senior Citizens Center.
Thank you to the Eads Chamber of Commerce who, for many years has funded, the two morning breakfasts, and the volunteers who came to help cook, serve, and clean up. Chairman Brandon Hoffman and Dennis Pearson ordered those food products and equipment. Jan Richards said that they were pleased with the money donations given by folks who went through the lines. We appreciated the county crew who transported all those picnic tables to the grassy Maine Street site for a fine place for guests to eat and visit.
Readers, these are some of my memories - in no particular order - of times of friends we enjoyed seeing. September 5 at the monthly senior brunch, several members of the popular Ritchie family were there to visit friends. They were vacationing at John Martin Reservoir and drove up because they knew they all couldn’t be here for the fair. Many of the family drove up to Nebraska to have a surprise 70th birthday celebration for Billy Frazee. I did hear Sandy (Ritchie) Maltbe greet former Superintendent Bob Woods, and told him where her other siblings were. Some of the wonderful men I had been looking forward to seeing were four of the five Lujan brothers: Ron of Idaho, Kelly of New Mexico, Carl of Oklahoma, and John of Missouri, who were giving cheerful greetings and helping out the cooks. I sensed that Kelly was not well, and by the next morning, he was in our emergency room. The family is so grateful to our local family doctor, who saved Kelly’s life by arranging for an air ambulance. Kelly’s two daughters came to drive him home Wednesday from Colorado Springs. We are so glad that Dr. Ritch chose our town to serve in.
The delightful Durrett sisters were here. Betty and Barbara from northern Colorado towns, and Carol from Missouri, ending Saturday night at the Ice Cream Shoppe.
Jim Garner was a visitor to friends in Weisbrod and Prairie Pines like his mother, Evelyn, used to be. He often visits his friends in faraway places too. He and his brother, Gale, sold their family’s land in the Prairie Queen community to relatives, the young couple Wade and Jasmine Jacobs.
Dan and Jan Richards facilitated a Class of 1968 reunion dinner at the Cow Palace in Lamar.
Rodney and Linda (Adamson) Hopkins were thrilled to have all their children and grandchildren home from Nevada, Montana, and other parts of Colorado.
Bill and Aurelia Dawson were here from their spacious home in Houston, Texas. They also live in Alabama, where Bill was hired as a retired Army Helicopter pilot to advise, repair, and trouble shoot. Bill also flew air ambulance helicopters for years from Nebraska to Colorado and other cities. Ariella’s parents came from Moravia, Hungry, to visit them in Houston.
Loy Jones was here from Colorado Springs. He frequently comes monthly to worship and visit the Eads Community Church, formerly the United Methodist.
Dr. Barbara Larrew was here to visit. She has been a medical doctor for 50 years serving in New Mexico and area near Alamosa.
Friends and relatives were excited to see T. J. Watts of Eads, Trice Watts of Tribune, Kansas, and cousin, Wesley Richardson from Alamosa, rope in the rodeo
Sisters Leann and Diann Scroggins from Wichita, Kansas, were taking in the sites, as well as sisters Joyce from Wyoming and Cheryl Simmons of Eads.
Thursday morning, we were so happy to see Cheryl (Frazee) Shultz and her grandson from Greeley visiting around town.
I saw some other of my star science fair students at the fair - Mike Shotton of Denver, and author and archeologist Scott Bowen of Lamar.
I was so pleased to see sixth grade salesmen Chael Cordova, whose partner is Garret Hainer. At their booth, they sold wood burned to order key chains, coasters and such items. Chael has such an impressive salesmanship manner.
Ladies of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary had a busy meeting last week to discuss details of the annual Fall Bazaar that will be held at the Kiowa County fairgrounds in Eads November 23. Questions could be directed to Linda Trosper of 719-438-5777.
We were happy to hear that the Eads school sports teams won their games at Wiley last week.
Be ready for the Eads High School homecoming rally this Saturday, then dress days and games the following week. Support the Eads Eagles.