Ag stats: September 2021 United States crop production highlights
Corn production for grain is forecast at 15.0 billion bushels, up slightly from the previous forecast and up 6 percent from 2020. Based on conditions as of October 1, yields are expected to average 176.5 bushels per harvested acre, up 0.2 bushel from the previous forecast and up 5.1 bushels from last year. After a thorough review of all available data, acreage estimates are unchanged from last month. Total planted area, at 93.3 million acres, is unchanged from the previous estimate, but up 3 percent from the previous year. Area harvested for grain, forecast at 85.1 million acres, is unchanged from the previous forecast but up 3 percent from the previous year.
Sorghum production is forecast at 471 million bushels, up 26 percent from last year. After a thorough review of all available data, acreage estimates are unchanged from last month. Planted area, at 7.34 million acres, is unchanged from the previous estimate but up 25 percent from last year. Area harvested for grain is forecast at 6.52 million acres, unchanged from the previous forecast but up 28 percent from 2020. Based on October 1 conditions, yield is forecast at 72.3 bushels per acre, 0.9 bushel below the 2020 yield of 73.2 bushels per acre. If realized, the forecasted yield in Oklahoma will be a record high.
The first sunflower production forecast for 2021 is 1.90 billion pounds, down 36 percent from the revised 2020 production of 2.98 billion pounds and is the lowest since 1989. Area planted, at 1.28 million acres, is down 7 percent from the June estimate and down 26 percent from last year. Sunflower growers expect to harvest 1.22 million acres, down 7 percent from the June forecast and down 27 percent from 2020. Acreage updates were made in several States based on a thorough review of all available data. The October yield forecast, at 1,554 pounds per acre, is 236 pounds lower than last year’s yield and will be the lowest for the Nation since 2014, if realized.
Production of alfalfa and alfalfa mixture dry hay for 2021 is forecast at 48.2 million tons, up 1 percent from the August forecast, but down 9 percent from 2020. Based on October 1 conditions, yields are expected to average 2.99 tons per acre, up 0.02 ton from the August forecast, but down 0.28 ton from last year. Harvested area is forecast at 16.1 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report, but down 1 percent from 2020.
Production of other hay is forecast at 72.3 million tons, up 2 percent from the August forecast, but down 2 percent from 2020. Based on October 1 conditions, the United States yield is expected to average 2.04 tons per acre, up 0.04 ton from the August forecast, but down 0.01 ton from last year. Harvested area is forecast at 35.4 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report, but down 2 percent from 2020.
Production of sugarbeets for the 2021 crop year is forecast at 35.7 million tons, up 3 percent from last month, and up 6 percent from last year. Area planted, at 1.16 million acres, is up slightly from the previous estimate but down slightly from last year. Producers expect to harvest 1.15 million acres, up slightly from the previous estimate and up 1 percent from last year. Yield is forecast at 31.0 tons per acre, up 0.9 ton from last month and up 1.6 tons from last year.
Production of dry edible beans is forecast at 22.6 million cwt, down 3 percent from the August forecast and down 31 percent from 2020. Area planted is estimated at 1.40 million acres, down 4 percent from the August forecast and down 20 percent from 2020. Area harvested is forecast at 1.34 million acres, down 4 percent from the August forecast and down 20 percent from 2020. The yield is forecast at 1,686 pounds per acre, an increase of 11 pounds from the August forecast, but a decrease of 280 pounds from last season.