The best foods to pack for living off-grid
When the hustle and bustle of city life get too hectic for you, escaping to the world of off-grid living is an option worth considering. From the daily interactions with nature to the scenic views, it’s important to prepare yourself for the lifestyle change of going minimal. Check out some of the best foods to pack for living off-grid.
Canned meats
Sealed food containers are known to last long when left unopened. Whether you plan to live on your own long term or for a weekend, you can’t go wrong with canned meats. The preservatives in these foods are typically very salty, so it is recommended that you hydrate when eating them. When rationed properly, canned foods can last a long while without taking up too much space.
Pickled foods
When it comes to preserving food, anything stored in a brine of vinegar and spices is a tasty way to get the job done. Pickled foods do not last as long as some canned foods, but their shelf life, when unopened, is up to two years after the pickling process. From herring to cucumbers, pickled foods have a broad spectrum of options with strong flavors, depending on how long they are kept in the brine.
Dry foods
When you go on a hiking trail and bring along some beef jerky and trail mix, you create an energy-rich snack from different dry foods. Knowing which dry foods last the longest is important when preparing your off-grid meal plan. However, it’s good to remember that some require a few extra steps, like rice grains. While they typically need a bit of extra work to prepare, dry foods are some of the best foods to bring in bulk when camping for extended periods.
Going out and exploring the wilderness by yourself is an exciting opportunity worth experiencing. Food is always a top priority for those who are not sure about how to prepare it. Knowing about a few of the best foods to pack for living off-grid will help you stay well-nourished during your adventure.