Colorado boards and commissions appointments announced
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Colorado Board of Veterans Affairs
The Colorado Board of Veterans' Affairs studies the problems facing veterans and makes recommendations to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans’ Affairs, concerning programs needed to assist veterans.
for a term expiring June 30, 2022:
- Raymond Taylor of Pagosa Springs, Colorado, a Republican, and a veteran who has been honorably released or separated from the armed forces of the United States, occasioned by the resignation of Duane Dailey of Hot Sulphur Springs, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Civil Rights Commission
The Colorado Civil Rights Commission investigates complaints and conducts hearings concerning alleged discrimination in employment, apprenticeship programs, on-the-job training, and vocational schools. The commission also investigates the existence of discriminatory or unfair employment practices by a person, employment agency, labor organization, or vocational school. It is also charged with the promotion of good will and cooperation among various racial, religious, and ethnic groups in the state.
for a term expiring March 13, 2023:
- Daniel Ward of Centennial, Colorado, to serve as a majority owner of a small business that employs at least five but less than fifty employees, and as an Unaffiliated, occasioned by the resignation of Kendra Anderson of Denver, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Health Services Corps Advisory Council
The Colorado Health Service Corps Advisory Council acts as the state advisory body of the Colorado Health Service Corps and reviews applications received from health care professionals to participate in the program, subject to available appropriations. The Colorado Health Service Corps is a state, federal, and private partnership that seeks to improve access to health care professionals by repaying the educational loans of providers who agree to practice in areas with a health professional shortage. The program emphasizes long-term retention of health professionals in underserved communities and seeks to increase health equity for all Coloradans.
for a term expiring November 20, 2022:
- Kelly Phillips-Henry of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a membership organization representing community behavioral health centers, occasioned by the resignation of Ravid Moshe Gur of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
effective November 20, 2021, for terms expiring November 20, 2024:
- Robert Schwartz of Englewood, Colorado, to serve as a physician who provides geriatric care or a geriatric advanced practice provider, appointed;
- Agniezka Baklazec of Centennial, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a membership organization representing substance abuse disorder service providers, reappointed;
- Lynne E. Jones of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Commission on Family Medicine, reappointed;
- Khanh Nguyen of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a foundation that funds a health care professional loan forgiveness program in Colorado, reappointed;
- Bradley Sjostrom of Golden, Colorado to serve as a licensed or certified addiction counselor who has experience in rural health, safety net clinics, or health equity, reappointed.
Denver Regional Council of Governments
The Denver Regional Council of Governments is a planning organization where local governments collaborate to establish guidelines, set policy and allocate funding in the areas of transportation and personal mobility; growth and development; and aging and disability resources.
for a term expiring at the pleasure of the Governor:
- Sally Chafee of Centennial, Colorado, appointed as an ex-officio, nonvoting member.
Division of Youth Services Community Boards
Community Boards are created to promote transparency and community involvement in division facilities within each region (Northeast, Southern, Central and Western), provide opportunities for youths to build positive relationships with adult role models, and promote involvement in the community.
for terms expiring November 01, 2024:
Northeast Region
- Kaycee Headrick of Fort Collins, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, appointed;
- Adrianna Jimenez of Thornton, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, appointed;
- Mark Gonzales of Greeley, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, appointed;
for terms expiring November 01, 2024:
Southern Region
- Jessica Su Kennedy of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, appointed;
- Thomas Reyes Martinez Ortega of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, appointed;
- Amanda Steingiesser of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, appointed;
for a term expiring November 1, 2023:
Central Region
- Natalie Baddour of Denver, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, occasioned by the resignation of Katherine LaHore of Lakewood, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring November 01, 2024:
Central Region
- Sydney Nicole Monae Tucker of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, appointed;
- Caren Leaf of Wheatridge, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, reappointed;
- Georgina Becerril of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as an individual with an array of experiences with incarcerated youth, reappointed.
Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste Board
Each state is responsible for providing for the management of low-level radioactive waste generated within its borders, except for waste generated as a result of defense activities of the federal government or federal research and development activities. Encourages the use of interstate compacts to provide for the establishment and operation of facilities for regional management of low-level radioactive waste.
for a term expiring at the pleasure of the Governor:
- Tracie White of Morrison, Colorado, to serve as the Governor’s designee and occasioned by the resignation of Jennifer Tice Opila of Northglenn, Colorado, appointed.
State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners
The State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners adopts rules and regulations, conducts examinations and grants or denies licenses.
for a term expiring August 31, 2022:
- Marykay Jimenez of Castle Rock, Colorado, to serve as a member of the general public, occasioned by the resignation of Daniel Zarnowski of Denver, Colorado, appointed.