Colorado Cattlemen call for MeatIn Day
It has come to the attention of Colorado Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) that a national movement, MeatOut Day, is spreading across the country and most recently affecting Colorado. A proclamation has been allegedly signed by the governor of Colorado supporting March 20, 2021, as a MeatOut Day where citizens are encouraged to not eat any meat products. We are verifying the accuracy of the designation in Colorado, but regardless this national movement is harmful and falsely critical of agriculture and meat production.
To combat this misinformation and fight against the MeatOut movement, CCA and the livestock industry will be coordinating with restaurants, grocery stores, and other retail fronts to feature a meat product on March 20th to support the beef and meat industries, while also supporting these businesses who have felt the crushing blows of the pandemic and lost business and customers. We are supporting a “Meat In” movement instead… meet in a restaurant and order your favorite meat dish, meet your family and friends for a meal featuring meat. Let’s focus on keeping meat in and on the breakfast, lunch, and dinner table!
Additionally, CCA is suggesting a donation of $200 in support of the Meat In movement. Of this $200, $50 goes directly to supporting feeding hungry children in Colorado and the remaining funds will be designated in efforts to promote and protect agriculture and food production in our state. Go to coloradocattle.org and the “Support CCA” tab to find an online form for your donation.
CCA is putting together a toolkit of information and infographics to share in your local community and also to share on social media platforms. This will be for CCA members, local affiliates, allied stakeholders, and partners to ensure a unified message that Colorado is #BetterWithBeef and better with meat!