Colorado Parks Seeks Public Help Identifying Man Harassing Moose
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is asking the public for help identifying a man pictured on social media (photo below) standing within a few feet of an angry moose along a busy stretch of road in Frisco.
According to a witness, he and his passenger observed the man chase the moose onto the median Friday afternoon in the 900 block of 10 Mile Drive in Frisco. They were able to snap a photo of the incident as they drove past the man and the agitated animal.
Anyone with information can remain anonymous by calling Operation Game Thief at 877-265-6648. Rewards are available if the information leads to an arrest or citation.
"It is very evident from the photo that the moose is angry, and the man could easily have been attacked and injured, or possibly killed," said District Wildlife Manager Elissa Slezak of Summit County. "You can clearly see that the moose's ears are pinned back, and its hackles are raised. It is likely this person does not realize how much danger he put himself in, or maybe he does not care. We hope a conversation with this individual can help him understand the danger involved."
Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials stress moose do not attack people unprovoked; however, they will defend themselves very aggressively if threatened or harassed. Moose do not fear people and will stand their ground, giving the impression they are tolerant of a human's presence.
"I strongly advise against approaching these animals," said Slezak. "They can weigh up to 1000 pounds, can run much faster than humans and possess a strong instinct for self-preservation."
Slezak says the individual in the photo will likely be cited for harassment of wildlife if he is identified, but the bigger concern is making sure the individual does not repeat the behavior.
For more information about living responsibly with wildlife, including moose, visit the CPW website.