Colorado statewide fishing report and conditions – July 31, 2021
Conditions Report - Metro Denver Area
Aurora Reservoir
Park Rangers report as of 7/30/2021, trout fishing from shore is slow with a handful of reports of some trout being caught off the dam using power bait. Trout are deeper this time of the year. Boaters are having fair to good success trolling with crawlers and spoons for trout. Walleye action is slow with a few reports of some fish being caught trolling with bottom bouncers and crawlers. All other species are slow or no reports. For more information call 303-326-8425. Park Hours for July 5:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m./August 5:30 a.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Aurora Reservoir
Chatfield Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, boaters are reporting increased success trolling for walleye. We have also received reports of successful bass fishing in the southern portion of the reservoir and a handful of catfish have been landed as well using a variety of baits. For more information, contact park staff by calling 303-791-7275.
Chatfield Reservoir
Cherry Creek Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, park staff reports anglers having increased success catching walleye, crappie, trout and bluegill. Common baits being used are mealworms, wax worms, Gulp worms, and nightcrawlers on Rapala raps, buck-shot flutter spoons, blade baits, and others. No other reports on any other species at this time. For more information please call (303) 690-1166.
Cherry Creek Reservoir
Standley Lake
Please call ahead prior to heading to the reservoir to get up-to-date lake and shoreline fishing conditions. Contact park staff at 303-425-1097.
Standley Lake
Quincy Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, bass fishing has been slow to fair. Using jigs, topwater lures and soft plastics in the early morning and evening. All other species slow or no report. Restricted to artificial flies and lures only. Only watercraft capable of being launched by hand permitted. Trailers and vehicles are not permitted in the water. Park hours for July 5:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m./August 5:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. For more information call 303-326-8424.
Quincy Reservoir
Conditions Report - Northeast Colorado
Eleven Mile Reservoir
As of 7/16/2021, The 11 Mile Marina reports “Trout fishing is very good. Action continues with trolling, jigging, casting and more. Bite times can vary we like mid-morning but early risers are doing well. Many fish are suspended 20 to 35 feet deep no matter where you go. West End has lots of action for Cuttbows running 13 to 15 inches. Kokanee fishing is fair. Go out from North Shore in 60 feet of water 35 feet down. There are some really little ones turning up which is good news for the future. Northern pike fishing is good. The water temp is perfect for spinner baits. They tend to work better when the water hits 66. Try Bill’s Spinner Bait in Black/Blue, Orange/Brown or White. Work them like a jig. West end is good. We like coves from Howbert to Witchers. Later in the afternoon is good. Jigging and pitching are working.” https://www.11milesports.com/fishing-report
Eleven Mile Reservoir
Boyd Lake
As of 7/30/2021, park staff reports Boyd Lake is at 96% capacity and water temperature is 76 degrees. The lake is OPEN to boating. Anglers continue to report success catching walleye and white bass using a variety of spoons, spinners, jerkbaits, and crank-baits. There is no fishing permitted from marina slips or docks. Please call Boyd Lake State Park at 970-669-1739 to get the most up-to-date ice conditions.
Boyd Lake
North Sterling Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, park staff reports fishing for drum and bass is good. A few reports of sizeable carp caught the last couple weeks as well. The reservoir is OPEN to boating. The Inlet is OFF and the Outlet is OFF. Contact the park for the latest ice conditions at 970-522-3657.
North Sterling Reservoir
St. Vrain State Park
As of 7/30/2021, bluegill, sunfish, pumpkin seed, and other smaller fish and panfish will do well on small jigs, flies, and spinning lures; anglers also have luck with small live bait on ponds where it is legal to use bait. Please contact the park for the most up-to-date conditions by calling 303-678-9402.
St. Vrain State Park
Barr Lake
As of 7/30/2021 park staff reports walleye and wiper action continue to produce for a fun-filled day of fishing. Trout fishing from shore has been poor. For the most current conditions, please contact park staff by calling 303-659-6005.
Barr Lake
Cheesman Canyon
As of 7/30/2021, Cheesman Canyon is fishing very well. Hatches are occurring in abundance and allowing for some awesome dry fly patterns to be used. However, your go-to is still nymphing in the deeper pools and runs. Flows: 245 CFS above Cheesman Lake (7/30/2021)
Cheesman Canyon
Douglas Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, anglers are reporting more success when fishing early mornings or into the evening.
Douglas Reservoir
Antero Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, the ANS inspection station is located at the south boat ramp. The hot bite continues at Antero with anglers reporting success both from shore and from boats using a variety of spoons and spinners.
Antero Reservoir
Dream Stream - South Platte
As of 7/30/2021, look for holding pockets and focus on deeper sections of water. Surface feeding has become more consistent with the current invertebrate activity. Flows: 177 CFS above Eleven Mile (7/30/2021)
South Platte
Horsetooth Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, anglers have reported success catching smallmouth bass with soft plastics. Catfish are getting landed at night and some trout have been caught early in the mornings using a variety of lures.
Horsetooth Reservoir
Spinney Mountain Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, park staff reports northern pike fishing is excellent in the shallows currently. Trout fishing continues to produce very well. Scuds and leeches have worked well for nymphing and woolly buggers have been the go-to for streamers.
Spinney Mountain Reservoir
Arvada Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, anglers report fishing is fair to good for smallmouth bass. Trout fishing is poor from shore anglers as most trout head to the deeper areas of the reservoir during the heat of the day.
Arvada Reservoir
Bear Creek Lake
As of 7/30/2021, anglers have reported success catching walleye with a variety of lures.
Bear Creek Lake
Evergreen Lake
As of 7/30/2021, anglers have reported success catching stocker rainbow trout. DO NOT FEED THE WILDLIFE.
Evergreen Lake
Lon Hagler Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, we have received reports of anglers catching catfish using a variety of bait. Bass fishing is also reportedly good.
Lon Hagler Reservoir
Waterton Canyon
As of 7/30/2021, there are an increasing number of caddis as well as blue-winged olive and midge hatches. Work pools and slow riffles and be ready for aggressively feeding fish. Anglers have also reported success nymphing while others have tried dry droppers. Flows: 68 CFS at Waterton (7/30/2021)
Waterton Canyon
Conditions Report - Southeast Colorado
Arkansas River - Leadville to Buena Vista
As of 7/29/2021, Braden Baker with Ark Anglers writes, “The river north of Buena Vista offers the best wade fishing conditions on the river, particularly above the Lake Creek confluence in Hayden Meadows but even the river in Granite is now very approachable. We've also have good reports from the pocket water sections north of Buena Vista through the tunnels, Railroad Bridge, and Numbers. Be prepared for yellow sallies, golden stoneflies, brachycentrus caddis, and pale morning duns above Buena Vista. Some green and gray drakes are also hatching in Hayden Meadows, yielding even better dry fly opportunities on the upper river. Guides and DIY anglers are reporting very good dry and dry-dropper fishing this week, but nymphing through the deeper pools and pockets will also be effective.” Flows: 169 CFS at Hayden Meadows, 475 CFS at Granite (7/29/2021) http://www.arkanglers.com/
Arkansas River - Leadville to Buena Vista
Lake Trinidad
As of 7/30/2021, park staff reports boaters have had luck trolling rapalas and worm harnesses. South Shore has produced good size trout very regularly using PowerBait and doughballs. Call the park for the most up-to-date conditions at 719-846-6951.
Lake Trinidad
Arkansas River - Buena Vista to Salida
As of 7/29/2021, Braden Baker with Ark Anglers writes, “With clarity back on most of the river, the fishing has really picked back up this week. Flows are now being augmented for recreational levels and we anticipate the river remaining about this flow for the next several weeks. Flows are great for floating but the edges are getting more and more workable for wade fisherman. Expect fish to hold in velocity shelters along the banks, in mid-stream pocket water, or slower runs near drop-offs where food is carried to them without their having to expend much energy. Fresh golden stonefly shucks are on the rocks above the water most mornings, and we are still seeing some late yellow sally activity. This has given us some fun action on larger attractor dry flies. Caddis and pale morning duns make up the smaller food items, with sporadic midge and trico hatches taking the microscopic award. Dry dropper and shallow nymphing tactics are generally the most productive, but streamer fishing has been very effective lately, as well. At times fish are incredibly surface-oriented, yielding windows of great dry and double-dry fly fishing. There are lots of pale morning dun nymphs in the system and hatches mid-day into the afternoon, especially on cloudier days. The next few weeks should provide some of the best fishing of the whole summer! Following a low water spring and an underwhelming runoff, fish are healthy and have fared well through the high water.” Flows: 751 CFS at Hecla Junction (7/29/2021) http://www.arkanglers.com/
Arkansas River - Buena Vista to Salida
John Martin Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, both the East and West boat ramps are open. Anglers report good bass and bluegill fishing lately. As a reminder to anglers, underwater spearfishing may be used as a method of fishing in accordance with regulations issued by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Underwater spearfishing is prohibited within 100 feet of any marina, boat ramp, swim beach, or dam infrastructure.
John Martin Reservoir
Lake Pueblo
As of 7/30/2021, Lake Pueblo has been rated a fishing “hot spot,” and provides over 4,600 surface acres of water, 60 miles of shoreline and almost 10,000 acres of land.
Lake Pueblo
Runyon & Fountain Lakes
As of 7/30/2021, anglers have reported success catching bass, carp, and bluegill. Trout fishing has been poor.
Runyon/Fountain Lakes SWA
Hugo SWA Ponds
As of 7/30/2021, anglers are reporting good bass action and some catfish being landed as well. Bass were caught with a variety of lures and crawlers. Catfish were caught using a variety of baits.
Hugo SWA Ponds
Kissel Pond
As of 7/30/2021, anglers have reported fishing for catfish and crappie is good.
Kissel Pond
Blue Lake
As of 7/30/2021, bass fishing is reportedly good using a variety of baits and lures. Anglers have also reported success catching catfish, walleye, and carp.
Blue Lake
Rosemont Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, hot dry temperatures have force trout to the deeper sections of the reservoir. Fishing early mornings and evenings can prove to be beneficial for both the angler and fish.
Rosemont Reservoir
Conditions Report - Northwest Colorado
Vega Reservoir
Park staff reports as of 7/30/2021, The Island boat ramp is open at this time. Inspection hours are from 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. daily. NOTICE: The Island boat ramp will close for the season at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 29th due to extreme low water levels. Fishing has slowed down a bit, however, anglers are reporting catching some nice rainbows in 16 - 20 inch range using silver spinners. Lake levels are below normal. In order to prevent boats from launching during hours that ANS inspections are not available, the park has installed new gates and one-way spike strips. The spike strips will allow boats to exit the lake after hours at the Island boat ramp but will prevent anyone from entering the lake during non-inspection hours. Boaters that plan to exit the lake after inspection hours should park and use the Island boat ramp so that they are not behind locked gates after hours. The south road and the gravel pit area are open for the season.
Vega Reservoir
Harvey Gap
As of 7/30/2021, the lake is open water and fishing fair to good. Anglers state that northern pike and smallmouth bass fishing is picking up with the warming water temperatures. Trout and perch have also been landed using PowerBait, worms, and a variety of lures.
Harvey Gap
Rifle Gap
As of 7/30/2021, park staff reports “walleye, northern pike, perch and smallmouth bass fishing is good.”
Rifle Gap
Yampa River
As of 5/25/2021, due to critically low water flows caused by dry conditions and minimal snowpack levels, Colorado Parks and Wildlife has implemented a mandatory fishing closure on a 0.6-mile stretch of the Yampa River between the dam at Stagecoach State Park downstream to the lowermost park boundary. The closure began on May 25 and will continue until further notice.
Yampa River
Blue River
As of 7/30/2021, anglers have reported success with caddis imitations and flows are allowing for dry flies. Flows: 795 CFS below Green Mountain Reservoir (7/29/2021)
Blue River
Eagle River
As of 7/30/2021, flows dropped over the last two weeks allowing for more fishable waters. Nymphing is proving to be very successful even with the increase in surface activity. Flows: 177 CFS below Gypsum (7/29/2021)
Eagle River
Green Mountain Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, reports indicate reservoir levels are still low, especially for this time of year. No new fishing reports and those received stated very slow and tough fishing.
Green Mountain Reservoir
Lake John
As of 7/30/2021, Lake John Resort reports indicate fishing has picked up and anglers are landing some large trout! A variety of spinners, spoons, and jigs have been used as well as nightcrawlers. Please be aware of potential fire restrictions. https://lakejohnresort.com/
Lake John
Grand Lake
As of 7/30/2021, Fishing with Bernie Guide, Jake Foos reports, “The water temp has officially become the most important factor regarding success for all species on Grand Lake as of late. The pleasure boaters, personal watercraft and rentals have taken over but that does not mean that there is still a great bite to be had, pending Anglers look in the right places and at the right time. The lake trout are definitely spreading out on very deep structure and in some cases, finding the thermocline that best fits them to get through the “Dog Days” of summer. Right now, it takes a lot of moving around and paying special attention to your electronics for maximum success. We have started downsizing our presentations for numbers of bites throughout the day to maximize action. Most of our fish are coming from the 80’ deep range with multiple bites coming suspended over deep water. The good thing about finding suspended fish is that they are very hungry and willing to take a jig. Small jigs like twisters and grubs have been getting all of the action when tipped with a piece of sucker meat. Rainbows and browns continue to produce a steady bite but that means that you have to fish very early in the day. Surface temps are at the highest you will find and these fish go deeper as soon as the sun hits the surface. The best lures for these fish have been a small Leech Flutter Spoon from CLAM Outdoors as well as a drop kick jig that is tipped with a small crawler and is suspended below a slip bobber. https://www.fishingwithbernie.com
Grand Lake
Lake Granby
As of 7/2/2021, Fishing with Bernie Guide, Dan Shannon reports, “Fishing remains fair to good for all species. Best bite has been in the morning before the storms roll in. Kokanee are being found 20-30’ deep suspended over deep water along Knight Ridge and mouth of Grand Bay. Rainbow trout and Brown trout are being caught along the shorelines, focus on areas where creeks are flowing in and transition areas where rocks meet mud. Small spoons and deep diving crankbaits have been working well cast from shore or trolled. Lake trout have continued to move deeper as the water warms and are being caught in 60-90ft of water. Bright colored and glow tubes and grubs tipped with a small piece of sucker worked right on the bottom has been most productive baits.” https://www.fishingwithbernie.com/
Lake Granby
Williams Fork Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, Fishing with Bernie Guide, Randy H reports, “Ramp hours are 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Water capacity is at 89% and dropping. Inflow is 122 CFS, outflow is 196 CFS, the lake is 7 feet low. Visibility is about 12 feet. Surface temp is 66 early morning warming to near mid 70's in the main body on sunny days. The shallow bays are abnormally warm. The lake trout bite is fair (single-digit catches per rod). The best bite is early morning, once the sun is high the bite slows until late afternoon. Look for lake trout in 60 to 90 feet of water. Tubes or other plastics tipped with sucker meat fished on the bottom are working best. Due to CPW not stocking Rainbows or Kokes in an effort to rid the lake of gill lice, fishing for both species is slow. Northern's are also slow, but I'm seeing a little activity early AM and late PM on lures worked with a slow to medium retrieve.” https://www.fishingwithbernie.com/
Williams Fork Reservoir
Mack Mesa Reservoir
After months of hard work, Mack Mesa Reservoir is now refilled and has been restocked with bluegill to start developing a forage base for the largemouth bass and other species to be stocked later this summer. Those warm water species include largemouth bass, black crappie, bluegill, and channel catfish. CPW also plans to stock trout in time for the fall and ice fishing seasons.
Mack Mesa Reservoir
Conditions Report - Southwest Colorado
Jackson Gulch Reservoir
As of 5/7/2021, the staff at Mancos State Park report, “Most of the fishing right now has been happening from the bank with typical baits: rainbow or green PowerBait, worms, and 'crawlers. A double-hook rig with PowerBait on one hook and a worm on the other will open up your odds of both trout and yellow perch. Fishing has been good for 10-12-inch trout and small yellow perch. A few splake (brooke trout/lake trout crosses) have been caught using the same baits or small lures. In-line spinners (Mepps, Panther Martins) are working. Let the spinner sink for a count of five or six, then reel mid-speed (enough to get the blade turning but not too fast). Trout should start surfacing in the still mornings and evenings, making for good action with the fly rod, especially from a float tube or kayak.”
Jackson Gulch Reservoir
Blue Mesa Reservoir
As of 7/30/2021, The Blue Mesa Lake Trout tournament continues through the last day of July! The Lake Fork and Elk Creek boat ramps are open and have hours 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Blue Mesa Reservoir
James M. Robb Colorado River
As of 7/30/2021, park staff reports, “Fishing has begun to slow due to warmer temperatures. Trout will be deeper. Bluegill and Sunfish will be more productive. Please ensure the responsible and ethical release of fish and properly dispose of fishing line. Remember, the daily limit for trout is four fish per person.”
James M. Robb Colorado River
San Juan River
As of 7/13/2021 Duranglers report, “Solitude on the river in town Pagosa is limited to the first and last hours of the day. Expect lots of tubers and swimmers. Midday will be the busiest on the river. PMD, mayflies, caddis, and even terrestrials are out. Dry dropper setups are best.” Flows: 122 CFS at Pagosa Springs (7/28/2021) https://duranglers.com/
San Juan River
Animas River at Durango
As of 7/28/2021, Duranglers reports, “We have seen a lot of rain the past few weeks and it’s caused some big flow bumps and clarity issues. This is indeed impacted the fishing currently, but more water means decreased water temps and better fishing into the late summer! Hopper season has arrived so a hopper/dropper is key.” Flows: 805 CFS at Durango (7/28/2021) Duranglers.com
Animas River
Dolores River - above McPhee Reservoir
As of 7/28/2021 Duranglers reports, “The upper Dolores drainage is fishing solid. Dry dropper all day every day. Watch for hatches of caddis, PMDs, and moths.” Flows: 306 at Dolores (7/28/2021) https://duranglers.com/
Dolores River
Gunnison River
As of 7/28/2021 Duranglers reports, “If you want to catch more fish, put on the nymph rig and fish deep with weight. If you want to catch fish like a well-adjusted person who isn’t all about numbers and actually likes to have fun, fish a dry. PMDs, Caddis, and some Yellow Sallies are out and about. Fish a dry/dropper for the best of both worlds.” Flows: 660 CFS below Gunnison Tunnel (7/28/2021) Duranglers.com
Gunnison River
San Miguel River
As of 7/28/2021, Duranglers reports, “Flows are pretty solid right now for this high country river. Don’t overthink it too much: dry/droppers on your favorite 4 weight and have fun!” Flows: 221 CFS near Placerville (7/28/2021) Duranglers.com
San Miguel River
Uncompahgre River
As of 7/28/2021, Duranglers reports, “The small bugs will still work, but flows have been bumped so make sure to try some bigger stuff like leeches and SJ worms with the midge and mayfly nymphs. Watch for Caddis in the afternoons, or put on a streamer or bugger!” Flows: 172 CFS below Ridgway Reservoir (7/28/2021) Duranglers.com
Uncompahgre River