Daily Audio Newscast - May 28, 2024
News from around the nation.
At least 23 dead in tornado-spawning storms sweeping central US, new report finds Oregon workforce grows, but gaps should be addressed; AM radio in every car? The debate hits Missouri; Proposal would make Michigan State Capitol a 'gun-free zone.'
The Public News Service Daily Newscast, May the 28th, 2024.
I'm Mike Clifford.
The weather over the long weekend proved to be both severe and deadly.
At least 23 people, including four kids, are dead in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Alabama after severe weather and tornadoes struck the central U.S.
That from CNN.
Meantime, the travel hubs of Atlanta, New York, Philadelphia, and Charlotte could have to contend with damaging storms leading to delayed or canceled flights on the holiday.
And a new report analyzes the workforce dynamics in Oregon and how the state can address gaps for workers and for industries.
Eric Teggenhoff has our report.
The 2024 Talent Assessment finds that Oregon's economy is in a strong position with significant growth in the labor market and more growth anticipated in the future.
Christiana McFarland is with SRI, the firm that conducted the assessment.
She says there are some factors that could be barriers to achieving that future growth.
We know that jobs are projected to grow, but we know that the population and population growth is relatively stagnant.
So that's going to be a challenge into the future, particularly for occupations and industries that have a really high demand for workers in the state, particularly health care and child care.
The assessment was conducted for the Workforce and Talent Development Board and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission for the state of Oregon.
Supporters say rural Oregon could be another asset for the state when considering how it closes employment gaps in semiconductor manufacturing and other industries.
And now a story close to any broadcaster's heart, the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act now in Congress could mandate that all new cars in the U.S. be equipped with AM radios.
And it's stirring a debate in states like Missouri.
The legislation is supported by 60 bipartisan U.S. senators, including Missouri Republican Josh Hawley.
But it is criticized by the Consumer Technology Association for its potential to increase vehicle costs and stifle innovation, particularly as electric vehicles rise in popularity.
Association CEO Gary Shapiro testified against the mandate in a House subcommittee.
He highlights the financial and technological burdens this mandate would place on automakers and consumers alike.
AM radio is wonderful, but it should not be required in every car sold in the forever future because it is a tradeoff with safety and other features, and it costs money, and it slows the shift to electric cars.
Proponents of the mandate argue that AM radio is crucial for emergency broadcasts, particularly in rural areas where digital signals may be weak.
Shapiro says incorporating AM radios into EVs is problematic due to signal interference from the batteries, which would cause costly redesigns and divert resources from other advancements.
Farah Siddiqui reporting.
This is Public News Service.
If two Michigan lawmakers have their way, there will be fewer locations in that state where people are allowed to carry firearms.
Democratic Senators Dana Polhenke of Livonia and Rosemary Bair of Beverly Hills have introduced bills that would expand gun-free zones within the state capitol complex.
Both have advocated for stricter gun laws in Michigan.
Senate bills 857 and 858 would make it illegal to carry a firearm in the state capitol building, the Bensfield Senate building, and the Anderson House office building, with an exception for legislators.
Ryan Bates, who heads the group End Gun Violence Michigan, believes these proposals are much needed.
We cannot have a functioning democracy at the barrel of a gun.
So it's incredibly important that we protect our legislators and protect our democracy from people who want to do it harm by bringing guns into the places where our laws are made.
If the gun-free zone bills become law, violators could face up to 90 days in jail and/or be fined.
Crystal Blair reporting.
And Save the Children is working with child care providers along the Texas coast ahead of the upcoming hurricane season.
The organization has formed the Gulf Coast Resilience Network to provide child care facilities with plans and tools to help them reopen or offer services quickly after a weather-related disaster.
Melissa Mezquita with Save the Children says by working together, the network can get families back to their normal lives sooner.
If those child care centers can't open, kids are at home, parents are at home, and it just causes a sense of frustration, and we can't get back to those normal routines.
So that's where we sort of see those breakdowns, and it really, really impacts the family, you know, truly, economically, emotionally.
She says members go through emergency preparedness training and receive assistance on how to find funding after a disaster.
Psychosocial and social-emotional support is also available, so parents know how to help their children cope with the disaster.
I'm Freda Ross reporting.
The 2024 hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
Finally, our Suzanne Potter Let's Us Know, a new documentary series, takes a look at medical aid in dying through the eyes of terminally ill people advocating for a peaceful passing on their own terms.
The show Take Me Out Feet First just debuted on Amazon Prime.
In the first episode, director Serene Michelle Dillman follows her mother's journey and then her father's five years later as they chose to pass away at home in the Bay Area, surrounded by friends and family.
My father said, "If people of sound mind want to take this route out of life, they should have the right.
Anytime somebody avoids pain and suffering, how can you argue with that?"
This is Mike Clifford for Public News Service, member and listener supported.
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