Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - July 13, 2021
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday July 13, 2021 at 4:58 p.m. in the Town Hall. Assistant Town Clerk, Barbara Scranton, took roll call:
- Mayor – Joe D. Shields- Present
- Trustees – Present – Dennis Pearson, Kathy McCracken, Karl Eikenberg, Meghan Buck, and Terry Riley
- Absent – Justin McLoud
- Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Arrived at 5:15pm
- Assistant Clerk- Barbara Scranton-Present
- Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Arrived at 5:30pm
- Town Attorney – Lance Clark - Absent
- Guests Present – Amanda Brown, Betsey Barnett, Shelley Engelheart, Robert Caffarelli, Mike Lenning, Brent Frazee, Tina Adamson, Butch Robertson, and Mike Yerman
Minutes- Meghan Buck motioned to approve the May 11, 2021 minutes as presented. Karl Eikenberg seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Kathy McCracken motioned to approve payment of the June 2021 bills. Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously. Kathy McCracken Motioned to approve payment of the July 2021 bills. Dennis Pearson seconded, motion passed unanimously. (General Fund $82,519.16, Water Fund $95,190.21, Utility Fund $27,453.42, Conservation Trust Fund $1,492.42, Airport Fund $413.69; Total $207,068.90)
New Business:
Annual Audit- Amanda Brown presented the Board of Trustees with the results of the 2020 audit, and will submit it to the State Auditor’s office electronically on the 14th. Dennis Pearson motioned to approve the 2020 Audit for submission by Amanda Brown. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously. Amanda Brown, informed the Board of Trustees that Assistant Town Clerk Barbara Scranton was having difficulty contacting Colorado Department of Local Affairs for the submission of the Annual Conservation Trust Fund report. Amanda Brown advised the Board of Trustees to take any excess funds in the operating accounts and invest in CDs. She also gave the Board of Trustees a letter stating that she will be ceasing her services as auditor for the Town of Eads, but will still be available to assist with the transition to a new Auditor.
Gerald Dines with DW Waste- With nobody representing DW Waste in attendance, this item on the agenda was skipped.
Swimming Pool – New Company- Robert Caffarelli with Carrothers Construction Company, LLC presented the Board of Trustees with information regarding pools they have done in the past and pools they have proposed for the Town of Eads. Robert will be back for the August 10, 2021 regular meeting to present reports regarding price options.
Rescue Money Update – Town Clerk, Robin Fox, updated the Board of Trustees with the status of American Rescue Plan Grant awarded to the Town of Eads for use in Utility projects. Director of Public Works, Van Brown, would like to use it for the purchase of a new trash truck. The Town has received one half of the funds ($75,656.28). The other half of the funds will be received in one year.
Mike Yermen- Mike Yermen is working with SCEDD and SECED on a Southeast Colorado Workforce Housing Project. They would like to break ground by March 2022 if this project works. The Town has been requested to contribute $11,000 to the project. The Board of Trustees will revisit this subject and make a decision in the August 10, 2021 meeting.
Van Brown- As of July 2023 Director of Public Works, Van Brown, will have been employed with the Town of Eads for 40 years. He would like to step back and only take care of water and waste water at that time.
Van Brown, suggested taking sealed bids for equipment that is no longer being used. The Board of Trustees approved.
Old Business:
Swimming Pool – The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Town of Eads and Prairie Pines was presented to the Board of Trustees. Dennis Pearson motioned to approve the MOU. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Town Clerk, Robin Fox, reported to the Board of Trustees that 2 sessions of swimming lessons have been completed. There was a good turn out with 39 kids taking part in total.
Bring Up Items
Adjournment- Meghan Buck motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:32pm.
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Barbara Scranton, Assistant Town Clerk