Eads Schools return to campus plan
Kiowa County School District RE-1
Return to Campus Plan and Procedures
August 2020
As we anticipate a return to school August 12, please review the following plan and procedures to ensure that all students, staff, and visitors are kept safe while in the school, at school events, or while riding the bus to school. Please note that this plan is subject to change in accordance with mandates from the Governor’s office, Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Colorado Department of Education, or local public health departments.
Option #1
In-person learning will resume at Eads School District
- Staff and students 11 and older will wear masks per state guidelines
- Social distancing and limiting mixing of cohorts or groups of students as much as possible
- Wellness screenings for all staff and students upon entering the school buildings or buses in the morning.
- Temperature checks (must be under 100.4 degrees)
- Regular hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer will be suggested throughout the day
- Teachers and staff will promote healthy hygiene practices
- No physical contact should occur with staff and students (high fives, hugs, or holding hands, etc.)
- Recess, passing periods, and meals will be arranged by cohort groups to reduce group interaction
- Buildings and buses cleaned daily and between classes when possible
- Frequently touched items will be cleaned daily and between use as much as possible
Option #2
Due to a class or school closing, education will be delivered by Eads teachers through remote learning.
- Students that need a device will have access to one
- Instruction through Google Meet and online content will be delivered to students daily
- Students will be required to participate in each class every day.
Option #3
Students will register at Eads High School with the option of taking all online classes.
- Students will have an online instructor, but will be monitored by an Eads staff member.
- If students choose to take online only classes, they must remain in those online classes during the entire 2020 Fall Semester.
- Students that need a device will have access to one
- Students will need access to internet
Entering / Exiting / Visiting the school during the school day:
All students, staff, and visitors to the school will be required to do the following each day:
- Enter and exit through the marked/designated doors.
- Everyone will be screened as he/she enters the school. This will include temperature check, and answering a few health related questions.
- Visitors will be asked to go straight to the office to check in. Students will be called out of class and brought to the office to check out, visit with parents, pick up items, etc… Visitors, parents, and guardians will be discouraged from walking up and down the halls during school hours.
- If a visitor is required to travel down the halls or visit a classroom, he/she must be screened in the same manner as staff and students prior to being allowed to go to the classrooms.
Health Screenings
- Parents/Guardians will be encouraged to screen students at home for temperature and symptom screenings.
- The school will conduct temperature and symptom screenings for all students and staff before they get on a bus or enter the school.
- Students or staff with a temperature or symptoms should remain at home. If any family member or other close contact has been diagnosed with COVID 19, or is experiencing symptoms, you must remain at home.
- Per Colorado law currently, masks will be required for those students/staff/visitors ages 11 and older. The school will provide masks and/or face shields for staff that request them. Face coverings must cover the nose and mouth unless the student/staff member/visitor has a Doctor’s note stating they cannot medically tolerate a face covering.
- If needed, face coverings may be temporarily removed or transparent alternatives may be temporarily substituted when learning differences interfere with instruction.
- If necessary, the mask may be removed for instruction for the shortest duration possible.
- Adults are required to wear coverings over nose and mouth when they are with other adults, including the faculty lounge.
- Masks may be removed during outdoor recess and exercise activities where appropriate distancing can be maintained, unless the student has health or education reasons for not wearing a mask.
Cleaning and Personal Sanitizing
- Staff, students, and visitors are encouraged to wash their hands frequently. Hand sanitizer will be available for students in the classrooms and in dispensing machines around the school.
- The custodians will deep clean and sanitize all public areas at the end of each day. This includes desks, lockers, door knobs, equipment, etc…. The district has purchased equipment that specializes in disinfecting and sanitizing areas that are hard to reach.
- Students are encouraged to bring their own sanitizing wipes to wipe down their locker, bags, backpacks, or other items.
- Eads school district will continuing to provide education on proper hygiene and handwashing protocols to all students/staff.
- Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Students will eat in their cohorts and the times will be staggered with a 15 minutes cleaning period between cohorts. The cohorts will be (k-1-2), (3-4-5), (6-7-8), and (9-12).
- The students will all be facing one direction and spaced apart while seated at the cafeteria tables.
- The salad bar will not be in use until buffet style eating is deemed safe again by the health agencies.
- Students and staff will be served in a fashion that allows for the least amount of people to touch food trays, etc..
- We will use a one-way direction to enter and exit the cafeteria.
- We will limit unnecessary staff and visitors in food service areas. Parents/Guardians/etc.. will not be able to eat with their student in school.
- Breakfast for the elementary will be served in the cafeteria before school.
- Breakfast for the middle school and high school will be served in the classrooms at 8:00 am.
Hallway Use and Passing Periods
- We will attempt to control hallway use and passing periods using single direction system. We will also ask students to stay in their cohorts when going to and from their lockers and classes (to the extent possible).
- Elementary classes will be asked to move as a cohort and stay away (to the extent possible) from other groups while in the hallways.
- Physical guides, such as tape on floors or sidewalks, and signs on walls, will be used to ensure that staff and students remain at least six feet apart in lines, and at other times, i.e.. guides for creating “one way routes” in hallways.
- Students will be asked to practice social distancing while using the restrooms.
Bus Routes
- Siblings will be encouraged to sit together, students will be expected to keep hands, feet, etc.. to themselves, and windows will be down as much as possible for air circulation.
- Drivers will screen students for temperatures prior to getting on the bus. A student with a temperature will be denied entrance on the bus, along with any siblings of that student. The driver will contact the office and the parent will be contacted informing the parent of the reason the student was denied access to the bus.
- Bus students will be screened again once he/she arrives at school.
- Drivers and staff will be encouraged to avoid touching surfaces often touched by other bus passengers.
- Buses will be cleaned and disinfected after each trip, morning and night.
- A checklist of areas and items to be cleaned will be used to ensure that a proper cleaning is done on all buses.
Athletics and Extra-Curricular Activities
- All guidelines from CHSAA, CDE, CDC, Kiowa County and Prowers County Public Health will be followed.
Sending Students/Staff Home or Keeping Students/Staff Away from School Events
- If a student or staff member has a cough, fever, or any other symptoms of COVID 19, he/she will be immediately sent home. If a student or staff member has a family member or has been exposed to someone that tests positive for COVID 19, he/she will be sent home.
- The school will work with the Kiowa County and Prowers County Public Health and our school nurse to determine a timeframe in which those exposed or diagnosed with COVID 19 may return to school.
- Any student or staff member that is exposed or possibly exposed, will need to self-quarantine in accordance with the Kiowa County and Prowers County Public Health guidelines and recommendations.
In the event of positive COVID 19 cases in Eads Schools
- In the event of a positive case of COVID 19 at Eads Schools, the school will follow the protocols and advice of Kiowa County and Prowers County Public Health.
- School closures of 72 hours to 2 weeks may be mandated depending upon the number and severity of the outbreak.
- Mandated closures are required so that a deep cleaning of the school and campus can be completed.
In the event of a mandated school closure due to a COVID 19 outbreak at Eads Schools
- The district will have a plan that will be immediately implemented should the school be required to close for a period of 72 hours to 2 weeks.
- School work, in the form of educational packets or instruction through Google Meet and Google Classroom, will be used to continue students’ education.
- Students will be required to complete and return this work to receive grades.
On-Campus Activities
- All guidelines from CDE, CDC, Kiowa County and Prowers County Public Health will be followed.
Non-School related activities on school grounds
- No non-school related activities will be permitted on school grounds unless approved by the Administration and School Board.
- Approved activities must follow approved regulations to meet all Kiowa County and Prowers County Public Health guidelines, and must pay for additional cleaning required by custodial staff.
Self-Quarantining or Protect your neighbor Policy
- We ask all students, staff, and visitors to self-quarantine and stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID 19, or have been in contact or possible contact with a person who is COVID 19 positive.
- This would include coming to school, school activities, or any activity in which other students or staff would be present.
- Eads Schools will employ appropriate signage to ensure that proper handwashing, sanitization, traffic patterns, and protective behaviors are followed.
Personal Protective Equipment
- School personnel, students, and visitors are required (as stated in Governor’s orders) to wear appropriate PPE equipment. Masks are currently required for anyone 11 years of age or older unless they have a doctor’s note to exempt them due to a medical condition.
- All school personnel, students, and visitors are encouraged to use hand sanitizers, hand soap, and other cleaning agents.
Classroom Protocols
- Students in grades K-5 will be encouraged to meet the 6-foot distance in classroom or other locations. Normal class sizes will be maintained and up to 4 staff members may rotate among a cohort during the day.
- Students in grades 6-8 will have normal class sizes while observing the 6- foot spacing as feasible. Classroom layouts and student placement will change depending upon the classroom size. In areas where the 6-foot distancing is not feasible, other strategies will be implemented.
- Students in grades 9-12 will have normal class sizes and will observe the 6 -foot spacing as feasible. Classroom layouts and student placement will change depending upon the classroom size. In areas where the 6-foot distancing is not feasible, other strategies will be implemented.
- Cohorting will be used to the extent possible for all groups. Cohorts will be encouraged and scheduled to reduce contact with others.
- In areas or situations where strict cohorting is not feasible, other strategies will be implemented.
- We will limit the number of people in a classroom at one time, as well as the number of people allowed in a room during the day.
- We will attempt to increase the airflow in classrooms as much as possible throughout the day.
- Students’ belongings will be kept separate from other students’ belongings and stored in individually labeled containers, cubbies, or areas.
- Middle school and high school students will be allowed to store their belongings in their lockers before school, but will be encourage to keep their classroom supplies with them throughout the day. This will eliminate groups gathering at the lockers at any given time during the day.
- Eads School District will use signage and markings to establish safe distancing.
- “Normal” class routines, such as morning meetings, small groups, or pair work will need to be adjusted to ensure physical distancing between students, as feasible.
- Desks will need to be arranged facing the same direction, students will sit on one side of the table, spaced apart.
- Students will be reminded to not share supplies, equipment, etc.. to the extent possible.
- Computers and technology will need to be disinfected after each use.
At-Risk Populations
- Parents of students with special health needs are encouraged to discuss the risks and benefits of in-person instruction vs. remote schooling with your health care provider.
- If needed, alternative arrangements (including remote learning and strategies to reduce risks of in-person learning) will be made available.
Library Usage
- The library will be open to cohort groups to check out books.
- Cohorts will have scheduled times/days when they are able to visit the library.
- In accordance with CDPHE recommendations, books will not be disinfected after each use, however good hand hygiene is encouraged. Tables, chairs, computer equipment, and other surfaces will be disinfected between cohort groups.
- Library books will be “quarantined” for 72 hours between uses.