East End Events
Greg and Penni Shalberg hosted dinner in honor of Carol Shalberg's birthday. Guests were Merle Shalberg; Steve and Linda Shalberg; Bill and Charlotte Woelk; Char Korrel and friend Ed; and Brock and Beth Shalberg and girls. Happy 80th birthday Carol.
Linly and Sherell Stum, Katelyn Stum, Anna Harkness, Kirbi Stum and family, and Monte and Linda Stum joined Chris and Kami Janes at their home in Rocky Ford to help Noelle Janes celebrate her 8th birthday Sunday. Happy 8th birthday Noe!
The Myers, Mangans and Hopkins families attended their children's basketball games Saturday and then spent the rest of the weekend at Parrot Cove in Garden City, Kansas, celebrating Layton and Lincoln Hopkins and Knox Mangans birthdays. Happy birthday boys!! (Parrot Cove is the waterworld)
Several Plainview fans traveled to Deerfield, Kansas Thursday afternoon and to Springfield Friday afternoon to support the Plainview girls and boys teams in their basketball games.
This coming week is Homecoming activities. Friday is the pep rally at 4:00 p.m. with supper, consisting of brisket, beans, potato salad, rolls and dessert starting at 5:00 p.m. Prices are $6.50 for 8 years old and up and $4.00 under 8 years old. The bonfire will start around 5:45 p.m.
Plainview is hosting a basketball tri-meet Saturday starting at 10:00 a.m. The last game is scheduled for around 6:00 p.m. The crowning of King and Queen will be held at half time of the last game. The Homecoming dance will start around 10:00 p.m. There will be a concession stand available all day. Come on out and support our students.
Condolences to Cora Coffman and family on the loss of her cousin.
Have a great week!!