East Ends Events
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. I did -- didn't have to cook!!
GREAT NEWS!! After spending 3 months in the hospital, Jerry Weber has been released and is staying with his sister, Kathy Knutson in Denver while he does therapy. We are happy that you are doing so well Jerry, but I'm sure no one is any happier than you are!! Hope to see you back home soon.
Friday, May 11 was a special day for Shaelynn Compton, daughter of Lisa Compton, sister of Avery Compton and granddaughter of Garold and Zelpha Deines. Shaelynn was pinned and graduated as a Registered Nurse at Colby, Kansas. Jenny Woelk of Gilbert, Arizona, flew in Friday morning for the celebration and was glad to return home Saturday where it was warm. Gwyn Woelk of Trinidad was also there for the celebration and stayed through Sunday, Mother's Day. Gwyn and Lisa were the cooks for Mother's Day at Joel Woelk's home in Lamar. Both granddaughters, Shaelynn and Avery enjoyed the day together. After dinner, everyone helped Avery celebrate her 5th birthday with cake and lots of presents.
Lots of things were happening May 11. My sis, Jerene, and brothers, Larry and Mike, and I went to Colby also to watch Larry's daughter, Shelbie Huddleston, graduate from college.
Cheri Hopkins, Christy Hopkins and Evan Hopkins and children attended the college graduation in Hays, Kansas, May 11, where Jen Hopkins received her Education Degree.
Garrett Walker, son of David Walker, a former Plainview graduate, graduated from college in Salina, Kansas, May 12.
Merle and Carol Shalberg; Bill and Charlotte Woelk and Brock Shalberg and daughters attended the high school graduation of Merle and Carol's grandson, Dawsen, in Lakin, Kansas, May 12.
Plainview High School graduates Grant Specht, Lydia Splitter, Camryn Martin and 8th grader Cauy Stum graduated May 11.
Larry and Judy Tuttle traveled to Castle Rock last Tuesday to attend their granddaughter, Emily Koehn's, award banquet Tuesday evening and her high school graduation Wednesday at Red Rocks. There were 500 + graduates.
Abby Berggren, daughter of Bryan and Dorcas Berggren of Towner graduated from high school in Tribune, Kansas, May 12. Family attending were her parents; grandmother, Freda Schmidt; brother, Michael, and Dana Berggren and children, Caleb and Grant, from Iowa; sister, Amanda, and Trey Johnson of Denver; brother, Jamie, and Megan Berggren and children, Wren and Tripp, of Tribune, Kansas; uncles and aunts, Jim and Esther Caywood of Buhler, Kansas, and Joe and Rhoda Boucher of Buena Vista. The Bouchers arrived Friday and spent the night with her mother, Freda Schmidt.
Last Saturday, Evan and Jen Hopkins and children and Cheri Hopkins went to Dodge City, Kansas, to attend the high school graduation of Jalen Ibarra. Jalen's mom is the former Michelle Hopkins, who grew up in Towner.
Sunday, Cheri Hopkins, Phyllis Reinert, Ruth Fees, and Susan Greenfield attended the graduation of Nick Crum, former Plainview student, in Holly. Nick was Salutatorian of his class.
The Holly baseball team advanced to the regional playoff game in Denver Saturday May 12. They lost, and that ended their season. Alex Schmidt and Benji Davis of Plainview were part of the team. Congratulations to all on their accomplishments!
Saturday evening, everyone except the Bouchers and Caywoods gathered at the home of Bryan and Dorcas Berggren to celebrate Tripp's 1st birthday and Caleb's 3rd birthday. They were joined by the Kelvin Schmidt family and also celebrated Kelvin's ? birthday. Happy Birthday to all!
Mother's Day, Bryan and Dorcas and Abby; Freda; and Kelvin, Amy, Mikayla and Alex traveled to the home of Jamie and Megan in Tribune, Kansas, for dinner.
Mother's Day dinner guests of Merle and Carol Shalberg were: Bill and Charlotte Woelk; Char Korrel and friend Ed; Char's daughter, Karlie and Joel and family; Lori Shalberg and Steve Shalberg.
Mother's Day, all of the Stum families and Jack and Mary Light gathered at the home of Linly and Sherell Stum for dinner.
Chris and Kami Janes and family spent Mother's Day weekend with her parents, Monte and Linda Stum.
Dick, Sharon and Kyle Scott; Ian and Jerene DeBono; Mike Huddleston; Tom Scott; Larry Huddleston and Mary L. Huddleston enjoyed lunch at the Truck Plaza in Lamar on Mother's Day.
My sis, Jerene, brother, Mike, and I went to Denver Tuesday to attend the funeral of our cousin, Benny Bennett’s daughter Naomi.
Cora Coffman came down and attended the community barbeque Thursday and then spent the afternoon visiting at the home of Dick and Sharon Scott.
All of the Plainview teachers and students traveled to Denver Wednesday to visit the Butterfly Gardens and the Aquarium. Thursday was the last day of school, with the elementary awards and the art contest awards sponsored by Kiowa County WIFE in the morning; the community barbeque at noon and fun and games in the afternoon. Hope everyone has a safe and fun summer!
Carol and Lori Shalberg went to Lakin, Kansas, to watch their grandson/nephew, Dawsen Shalberg's, baseball team compete in the regional tournament. They lost, so that ended their season. Friday, Carol went to Cheyenne Wells to watch her grandson, Chase, play ball.
Our son, Mark, and granddaughter, Breeanna, from Winfield, Kansas, spent Thursday through Sunday with us. Breeanna is staying for a couple of weeks. Fun! Fun!
Congratulations to Lydia Splitter on her sixth place finish in high jump at the State Track Meet in Denver this past weekend.
The Plainview Seniors and their sponsor Ms. Wilson left on their sneak trip Sunday.
Have a great week!