From the Extension Agent – July 2019
Hello Kiowa County. I hope that everyone’s summer is going well and not flying by too fast - as mine seems to be. It has been very busy here at the office, and with all the 4-H members too. I am happy to see that we received a much-needed rain this past weekend. With a good wheat harvest winding down, it was good timing.
The 4-H started the month off with open weigh-in night July 1. This was just a start to a very busy month. Many of the kids helped at the concession stand on the Fourth of July weekend. They supplied food for the great many contestants in the successful CJRA rodeo, and the Kiowa County Riding Club’s Gymkhana and team roping the next weekend. I would like to thank all the volunteers, members, county workers and Fair Board who helped these events succeed. Without these people, the 4-H would not have had these much-needed money makers.
As I write this, my colleagues throughout the state are in the middle of their fairs or getting ready for this busy time. I know that Kiowa County’s fair is a short month away, but you may forget that many of the 4-H members are right now working on projects for the county’s Exhibit Day that will be held August 5.
This is the time when members will be interviewed and judged on the work done to complete their projects. Those that do well enough will have the great opportunity to send their projects on to the Colorado State Fair and proudly represent Kiowa County. On the evening of this educational day at 5:30, the exhibits will be open to the public. At 6:00 p.m., there will be a fashion revue followed by the awards program. To finish the evening, members will have a food auction of all kinds of tasty items show casing the skills they have acquired during their time working on all their educational projects.
I would like to invite everyone to this event and see the smiling faces of our county’s hard-working youth and the creative projects that they have completed.
In closing I would like to thank all the leaders and parents who provide members with the opportunities for the county’s youth to take part in.
Also, the Kiowa County Fair Books are ready to pick up at the Extension Office, located on the lower level of the Kiowa County Courthouse.