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Four-state collaborative seeks to improve food access in Native nations

© flickrcc - Jonathan Cutrer
Kathleen Shannon
(Wyoming News Service)

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Food-bank organizations teamed up in four states, including Wyoming, to launch the 104° West Collaborative in 2021 to better serve their Indigenous community members.

Early research has helped them understand how to serve these rural communities in culturally informed ways.

There are 23 federally recognized Native Nations across North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming - each with unique food access, security, and sovereignty issues.

Rock petroglyph representing two adults and two children holding hands
© iStock - trekandshoot

President and CEO of the Montana Food Bank Network Gayle Carlson said the collaborative spent its first year interviewing key tribal leaders, to make a cultural learning series for food-bank staff and board members.

"It goes the gamut from the historical perspective of how food was used as a weapon," said Carlson, "all the way to who's the point of contact we should first be working with, so that we had that full spectrum of understanding."

The Food Bank of Wyoming's Totes of Hope program provides food for 150 Fort Washakie kids - about a third of its student population - when school isn't in session.

The organization is looking to expand its mobile food pantry deliveries on the Wind River Reservation this year.

Carlson said in cases of extremely long traveling distances, it can make more sense to use food bank resources to support agencies on or near the reservations to help serve people living there, rather than food banks delivering food themselves.

She added that the four-state area is almost 400,000 square miles.

"That was something that really struck home to me is the rural nature of these reservations," said Carlson. "They are a long way away from any services. They do not have public transportation. So for them to go a hundred miles to go to the Walmart is really, really difficult."

The Wyoming Food Bank distributed more than 615,000 pounds of food across the state's reservations in 2024.