Governor Polis announces new boards and commissions appointments
State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors
The Colorado Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors will regulate the practice of those professions. Its responsibilities encompass the evaluation of whether applicants are minimally qualified for licensure, the examination of such applicants, licensing, license renewal, setting policy with regard to the practice of the profession, consideration of complaints against licensees and those who may have practiced without a license, and disciplining those who have not complied with the law.
for terms expiring July 1, 2020:
- Miro Kovacevic of Denver, Colorado to serve as a member of the public, and occasioned by the resignation of Deborah Nava Wilson of Pueblo, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring July 1, 2021:
- Timothy A. Hayashi of Grand Junction, Colorado to serve as a professional engineer, and occasioned by the resignation of Narender Kumar of Littleton, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Stephen J. Powell of Colorado Springs, Colorado to serve as a professional architect, appointed;
- Kelly Lee Miller of Gypsum, Colorado to serve as a professional land surveyor, reappointed;
- Kayce D.W. Keane of Boulder, Colorado to serve as a professional land surveyor, appointed;
- Debora Semeliss Campbell of Windsor, Colorado to serve as a member of the public, appointed.
Board of Assessment Appeals
The State Board of Assessment Appeals hears appeals filed by real and personal property owners on the valuation placed on their property.
for terms expiring July 1, 2020:
- Sondra Winterhof Mercier of Westminster, Colorado, reappointed;
- MaryKay Kelley of Silverthorne, Colorado, reappointed;
- Ann Louesa Maricle of Denver, Colorado reappointed;
- Gregg Allan Near of Lakewood, Colorado, reappointed;
- Amy J. Williams, MAI of Hayden, Colorado, a member engaged in agriculture, reappointed;
- Samuel McCullough Forsyth of Louisville, Colorado, reappointed;
for a term expiring July 1, 2023:
- Diane Marie DeVries of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, reappointed.
Colorado Beef Council
The Colorado Beef Council Authority works to promote the increased consumption of Colorado beef. The Board researches beef production methods, advancements and other matters with economic impacts upon the beef industry and makes this information available to interested parties.
for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Joan Marie Shoemaker of Parker, Colorado, to serve as a representative of beef marketing and as a Democrat, appointed;
- Roberta Baird LeValley of Hotchkiss, Colorado, to serve as a representative of beef marketing and as a Republican, reappointed.
State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners
The State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners adopts rules and regulations, conducts examinations and grants or denies licenses.
for a term expiring August 31, 2020:
- Richard Edward Glover of Boulder, Colorado to serve as a member of the general public and occasioned by the resignation of Mark A. Schumacher, CPA of Centennial, Colorado, appointed.
Early Childhood Leadership Commission
In 2010, the Early Childhood Leadership Commission was formed to promote the coordination of policies and procedures that affect the health and well-being of Colorado children. A bipartisan public-private partnership of state leaders and decision makers, the Commission seeks to improve outcomes for young children ages birth to eight and their families by advancing the alignment, coordination and efficiency of programs and services.
for terms expiring July 1, 2021:
- Katherine Faye Kennedy Reinemund of Englewood, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a statewide foundation or nonprofit involved in early childhood issues, and occasioned by the resignation of Cindy Crowell Schulz of Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring July 1, 2022:
- Bruce L. Hoyt of Denver, Colorado to serve as a representative of the business community, appointed;
- Kia Jehan Benton-Clark of Denver, Colorado to serve as a representative of a statewide foundation or nonprofit involved in early childhood issues, appointed;
- Sue Elizabeth Renner of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a statewide foundation or nonprofit involved in early childhood issues, appointed;
- Pamela K. Harris of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of early childhood service and support providers, appointed;
- Ida Mae Rhodes of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a representative of early childhood service and support providers, appointed.
State Emergency and Medical Trauma Services Advisory Council
The Council advises the Department of Public Health and Environment on matters relating to emergency medical and trauma services programs. The Council’s duties include developing curricula for the training of emergency medical personnel, establishing requirements for ambulance vehicles and services, and determining the eligibility of facilities to receive trauma center designation.
for terms expiring July 1, 2022:
- Kelly Nicole Gallegos of Alamosa, Colorado, to serve as an administrative representative of a rural trauma center, appointed;
- Ryan Jeffrey Cook of Lamar, Colorado, to serve as an officer or crew member of a volunteer organization who provides prehospital care, appointed;
- Christopher Rodriguez of San Luis, Colorado, to serve as a county emergency manager, appointed;
- John Hugh McVicker MD, FACS of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a board certified neurosurgeon providing trauma care at a Level I or Level II trauma center, appointed;
- Richard Eddie Lewis of Elizabeth, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a government provider of prehospital care, reappointed;
- Eric James Hill MD, FACEP of Westminster, Colorado, to serve as a licensed physician who is a prehospital medical director, appointed;
- Keyan Duane Riley MD, FACS of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a board certified surgeon providing trauma care at a Level III trauma center, reappointed;
- Pamela Jo Howes, RN, MSN, NRP, of Greeley, Colorado, to serve as a flight nurse of an emergency medical service air team or unit, reappointed.
Colorado Energy Research Authority
The Authority shall direct the allocation of State matching funds to the extent required to support one or more activities or proposals of the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory, which consists of Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, University of Colorado at Boulder and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, for federal energy research funding and energy-related research funding from federal agencies and other public and private entities. The Authority may promote rapid transfer of new technologies developed by the Collaboratory to the private sector to attract and promote clean energy businesses in Colorado.
for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- William R. Toor of Boulder, Colorado, appointed;
- Mark N. Sirangelo of Lafayette, Colorado, reappointed.
Financial Services Board
This board is the policy-making and rule-making authority for the Division of Financial Services.
for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Sundie Lynn Seefried of Castle Rock, Colorado, to serve as an executive officer of a state credit union and as a Democrat, appointed;
- Gerald Alan Agnes of Boulder, Colorado to serve as an executive officer of a state credit union and as a Republican, reappointed.
Colorado Commission on Higher Education
The Colorado Commission on Higher Education sets policies for all state-supported institutions of higher education.
for a term expiring July 1, 2022:
- Brittany Anne Stich of Denver, Colorado, a resident of the First Congressional District and a Democrat, and occasioned by the resignation of Pardis Mahdavi, PhD of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Charlotte Laura Ashton Olena of Denver, Colorado, a resident of the First Congressional District and a Democrat, appointed;
- Eric Jamal Tucker of Colorado Springs, Colorado, a resident of the Fifth Congressional District and an Unaffiliated, appointed;
- Steven Lawrence Trujillo of Pueblo, Colorado, a resident of the Third Congressional District and a Democrat, appointed;
- Paul Berrick Abramson Jr. of Lakewood, Colorado, a resident of the Seventh Congressional District and an Unaffiliated, appointed.
Board of Landscape Architects
The Board of Landscape Architects is charged with the examination and licensing of landscape architects in the state.
effective August 4, 2019 for terms expiring August 4, 2023:
- Christian M. Lieber of Colorado Springs, Colorado to serve as a licensed landscape architect, or eligible to be licensed in Colorado as a landscape architect at the time of the formation of the board, with at least three years of experience in the practice of landscape architecture, and a resident of the state of Colorado, appointed;
- John William Mill of Denver, Colorado to serve, not as a licensed landscape architect nor practice landscape architecture in any jurisdiction, who does not have a current or prior significant personal or financial interest in the practice of landscape architecture, is a resident of the state of Colorado, reappointed.
Passenger Tramway Safety Board
The Board sets safety standards for the maintenance and operation of passenger tramways. The Governor appoints six members to the Board. Two members shall represent the industry or area operators. One member shall be a licensed professional engineer not employed by a ski area or related industry. One member shall be familiar with the tramway industry. Two members shall represent the public.
for a term expiring June 30, 2023:
- Jeffrey Todd Copeland of Grand Junction, Colorado, to serve as a member familiar with or experienced in the tramway industry who may represent the passenger tramway manufacturing or design industry or an area operator, appointed.
Private Occupational School Board
The Private Occupational School Board advises on standards for educational services in private occupational schools. The Board also grants accreditation to schools that meet the standards established by the Board.
for a term expiring July 1, 2023:
- JoAnn Riebau Stevens of Parker, Colorado to serve as a representative of a private occupational school, appointed;
- Ryan Zivorad Minic of Thornton, Colorado to serve as a representative of a private occupational school, reappointed.
Colorado Racing Commission
The Colorado Racing Commission regulates and supervises pari-mutuel wagering (for horses and dogs), including enforcement of rules, supervision of race meets and racing officials, and collection of revenues to the State.
for a term expiring July 1, 2023:
- Lori A. Scott, DVM of Commerce City, Colorado, to serve as a veterinarian and as an Unaffiliated from the Seventh Congressional District, reappointed.
State Board of Registered Psychotherapists
The Board of Registered Psychotherapists is a licensing and disciplinary board that oversees licensed psychologists in the state.
for a term expiring July 1, 2023:
- Lesli Tamiko Hirokawa of Parker, Colorado to serve as a public member, appointed.
Sales and Use Tax Task Force
The Task Force shall study sales and use tax simplification between the state and local governments, including home rule municipalities, to identify opportunities and challenges within existing fiscal frameworks to adopt innovative revenue-neutral solutions that do not require constitutional amendments or voter approval.
for a term expiring July 1, 2020:
- Ryan Patrick Woods, of Englewood, Colorado to serve as a representative of a statewide chamber of commerce, and occasioned by the resignation of Bruce M. Nelson, MA, CPA of Fort Collins, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Secure Savings Plan Board
The Board, created in SB19-173, is to study the feasibility of creating the Colorado secure savings plan and other appropriate approaches to increase the amount of retirement savings by Colorado’s private sector workers, and, in connection therewithin, making an appropriation.
for terms expiring July 1, 2021:
Peter McArthur Turner II of Denver, Colorado to serve as a representative of employers, appointed;
- Quentin Dean Leighty of Monument, Colorado to serve as a representative with expertise in investment or retirement savings plan administration and as a representative of a federally chartered bank, appointed;
- Carolyn S. Paul of Lafayette, Colorado to serve as a representative with expertise in investment or retirement savings plan administration and as a representative of a state chartered bank, appointed;
- Demetrius Rayden Johnson of Denver, Colorado to serve as a representative with expertise in investment or retirement savings plan administration, appointed;
- Sean Christian Wood of Evergreen, Colorado to serve as a representative with expertise in investment or retirement savings plan administration, appointed;
- Kameron McKenzie Haake of Denver, Colorado to serve as a representative of employees, appointed;
- Richard Robert Jones of Centennial, Colorado, to serve as a retired Colorado resident, appointed;
- Amy Copeland McGarrity of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative with expertise in investment or retirement savings plan administration, appointed.
Southern Ute Indian Tribe and the State of Colorado Environmental Control Commission
The Commission works to adopt air quality standards and rules pertaining to the reservation air program. For further information, please review the Colorado State Statute 25-7-1303.
for a term expiring July 1, 2022:
- Peter McCormick of Durango, Colorado, reappointed.
Southwest Chief and Front Range Passenger Rail Commission
Concerning establishment of the southwest chief and front range passenger rail commission to oversee the preservation and expansion of Amtrak southwest chief rail service in Colorado and facilitate the development and operation of a front range passenger rail system that provides passenger rail service in and along the interstate 25 corridor.
for terms expiring July 1, 2022:
- Salvatore Pace of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as an advocate of public rail transportation, reappointed;
- Sara Rae Thompson Cassidy of Edgewater, Colorado, to serve as a representative of Class 1 freight railroads that serve Colorado, reappointed.
State Capitol Building Advisory Committee
The State Capitol Building Advisory Committee reviews, advises and makes recommendations to the capitol development committee with respect to plans to restore, redecorate and reconstruct space within the public and ceremonial areas of the state capitol.
for terms expiring July 1, 2021:
- Danielle Elizabeth Oliveto of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
- Kurtis Todd Morrison of Denver, Colorado, reappointed;
- Gerhard J. Petri of Denver, Colorado, reappointed.
Transportation Commission
The Transportation Commission formulates general policy for the Colorado Department of Transportation with respect to the management, construction and maintenance of public highways and other transportation systems in the state. The Commission also works to assure that the preservation and enhancement of Colorado’s environment, safety, mobility and economics is considered in the planning of all transportation projects
for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Donald Clifford Stanton of Arvada, Colorado, to serve as a commissioner from the Second Transportation District, appointed;
- Robert Keith Scott of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a commissioner from the Ninth Transportation District, reappointed;
- Linda Kathleen Bracke of Fort Collins, Colorado, to serve as a commissioner from the Fifth Transportation District, appointed;
- Barbara Vasquez of Cowdrey, Colorado, to serve as a commissioner from the Sixth Transportation District, appointed;
- Kathryn Hall of Grand Junction, Colorado, to serve as a commissioner from the Seventh Transportation District, reappointed;
- Gary Alan Beedy of Genoa, Colorado, to serve as a commissioner from the Eleventh Transportation District, appointed.
Special Funds Board for Workers’ Compensation Self Insurers
The Special Funds Board for Workers' Compensation Self Insurers distributes monies from the Workers' Compensation Special Self-Insured Fund to assure prompt and complete payments to members of self-insured companies who are delayed or declare bankruptcy or have insufficient reserves to cover a claim.
for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Jeffrey L. Green, ARM-P of Loveland, Colorado, to serve as a manager or employee of self-insured employers in good standing, with knowledge of risk management and finance, reappointed;
- Christine Hoppe of Arvada, Colorado, to serve as a manager or employee of self-insured employers in good standing, appointed.
State Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors
The State Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors has general supervision and authority over the installation of pumps and pumping equipment and the construction and abandonment of water wells statewide. The board also licenses and regulates persons and firms engaged in the water well construction and pump installation contracting business.
for a term expiring June 30, 2022:
- Christopher John Sanchez of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a geologist with a minimum of ten years experience in water supply and well construction, appointed.
State Board of Veterinary Medicine
The State Board of Veterinary Medicine regulates and licenses veterinarians in the State of Colorado. The Board establishes and enforces professional standards through the development and maintenance of rules and policies, ensuring that only qualified persons are licensed to provide veterinary care, and that violators of the laws and rules regulating veterinary medicine are sanctioned as appropriate.
for terms expiring June 30, 2023:
- Courtney Sara Diehl, DVM of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, a veterinarian, appointed;
- Carolyn Elaine Karrh, DVM of Lakewood, Colorado, a veterinarian, appointed.