Grace Lutheran Church Weekly Devotion - Genesis 9:8–17
Genesis 9:8–17
This text is the story of God’s enduring covenant and the sign He provides out of destruction that give us eternal hope. When all the living creatures came out of the ark, God made a covenant between Himself and creation. Simply put, a covenant is a promise made between two parties. A familiar covenant is, “If you eat all your supper, you can have dessert.” A biblical example is, “If you remain faithful, I will bless you.” However, God’s covenant here is different, it is one sided, only God is obligated to its terms. Unconditionally, God promises “never again” will waters from above and below destroy all life on earth. Sure, there is peril in life due to regional outbreaks of wrath, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and flooding rivers, but God promises “never again” will He call the waters to wipe out all life on earth.
To assure Noah and his descendants, including you and me, of God’s commitment and faithfulness to His covenant with creation, He gives a sign involving the light and glory of His creation, the rainbow. The sign of the rainbow in the clouds is God’s reminder that His “steadfast love endures forever” (cf. Ps. 136).
But God provides another sign to bring comfort and peace to troubled hearts and minds. The symbol God chose to bring peace, light, and hope to the world is the cross of Calvary upon which Jesus poured out His lifeblood for the sins of the whole world. Out of the destruction that sin has brought to your life, God gives everlasting hope only He can provide. Just as the cross of Christ stands as the sign of your salvation, the washing in the flood waters of Baptism is God’s precious gift to you of your adoption as His son or daughter through Jesus Christ. That is why Luther’s Small Catechism teaches in the Morning Prayer: “When you get up, make the sign of the holy cross.” That is to remember the cross, remember you are baptized, and remember the source of your hope and salvation!
To remind Himself, God placed a sign in the clouds, a beautiful rainbow to bring us joy and hope when we see it. Even more than that, God gave us a new sign born out of destruction to bring us eternal hope, the cross. To assure you, He loves and holds each of us so precious in His sight, God sent His Son, Jesus, to fulfill the terms of His everlasting covenant. I pray that you would daily make the sign of the cross to remind yourself you are God’s treasured sons and daughters through the waters of Baptism. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
825 North 1st West
Cheyenne Wells, CO, 80810-0728
Sunday Service begins at 9:00AM