History: the Kiowa County Fair – stilling going strong after 97 years
As you enjoy everything the annual Kiowa County Fair offers this week, take a moment to read how it all began in the article below from 1921. Remember to thank the fair board members when you see them (they will be running everywhere!) – they work throughout the entire year to make the week a special one for everybody.
From the July 22, 1921 edition of the Kiowa County Press.
The Kiowa County Fair will be held at Eads on the new county fairgrounds Thursday and Friday, September 21-22.
Under a law passed a number of years ago the county commissioners are empowered to make a levy to purchase and equip grounds on which an annual County Fair may be held. The ground was purchased this spring, lying just northwest and joining Eads. This week a track was laid out by the county surveyor, Charlie Sharp, and the grading crew made the beginning of what will soon be a good half-mile track.
The fair will be managed by an association under the supervision of the commissioners. John T. Gough was appointed as president and J. C. Miller the secretary of what will be termed the Kiowa County Fair Association. Representatives will be appointed in each community or town to look out for the interests of their section.
As yet the plans are not fully laid for the association, but being a county fair all parts of the county will have a part in the management.
This is one of Kiowa's most bountiful years and it is hoped the entire county may combine to show an exhibit which will be a credit to what is fast becoming an agriculture section. Kiowa County has not been adequately represented at the State Fair for several years, but this year it is hoped to obtain a display which will equal any at Pueblo, and it may easily be done. We wish to especially urge our farmers to save some wheat exhibits at this time for the county fair, later to be taken to the state fair.
Further announcements will be made later. Plans at present are in the making. Remember, however, that this is now a KIOWA COUNTY Fair with everything up to each one in the county to help make good.