Kiowa County 2017 Budget Released
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
Kiowa County has released its budget for fiscal year 2015, which begins January 1, 2017. A copy of the 60 page document is attached below this article (requires the free Adobe Acrobat PDF reader available from adobe.com if you do not currently have the software - most computers do).
The budget was sent to all county offices Wednesday morning.
Due to decreases in tax valuations, the county has made what it terms "severe" cuts to the budget.
Despite the cuts, full-time county employees will receive a $0.25 per hour raise, equivalent to about $500 per year.
Part-time wages are being increased from minimum wage, currently $8.31 per hour in Colorado, to $9.30 per hour. The previuos years' benefits package will also be retained.
A listing of county salaries is published twice per year. The most recent publication can be viewed here.