
Kiowa County 4-H Council News
4-H News November 1, 2016:
- On October 3rd the Kiowa County 4-H Council met at the Kiowa County Courthouse meeting room. Topics discussed include:
- 4-H Exhibit Day, the Maine Street Bash Bake Sale and the County Fair were very successful in participation and did well as fundraisers.
- October 14th – Outstanding Member nominations were due.
- Registration for the Dare to Be You 4-H Camp closes October 28th.
- The Council discussed the upcoming Annual Achievement Banquet and Appreciation Dinner, which will be at 6pm on November 4th, at the Community Building. The theme this year is “There’s No Place Like 4-H!”, and members will provide a pot-luck meal.
- The District VI 4-H Senate Meeting will be November 20th in Las Animas.
- The December Council meeting will be at the bowling alley in Lamar on Sunday, 12/11 at 3pm.
- After discussing other business, the Election of Officers for the upcoming 2016-2017 year were nominated and elected. The new officers are:
- Ryan Koeller, President
- Molly Stolzenberger, Vice President
- Katherine Trosper, Secretary
- Rooney Fehr, Treasurer
- Destiny Cornelius, Reporter
- Brooklynn Jones & Alexa Nelson, Recreation Leaders
- Emily Nelson & Molly Stolzenberger, Council Senators
- Ryan Koeller, Alternate Senator
- Gloria Trosper & Katharina Fehr, Leader Advisors
October is the beginning of another 4-H year, and the Prairie Queen 4-H Club had their October meeting on Sunday, October 16th, with these members being present:
Lakota Roberson, Molly & Chase Stolzenberger, Emily, Alexa & Clayton Nelson, Hatch Nelson, Bradley & Aaron Musgrave, Brinden & Garret Williams, Ty & Kara Wilson, Samantha Courkamp, Stockton & Wesley Mitchek, and Stacy Schofield.
Old business discussed:
- Record Books for all livestock projects were due September 30th.
- National 4-H Week was October 2nd – 8th.
New business discussed:
- The club will be selling RADA Cutlery once again this year, and orders will be taken through November.
- November 4th-6th is the Colorado Leadership Camp.
- November 18th-20th is the Dare to be You Camp.
- November 20th will be the District VI Senate meeting.
- November 24th-25th the Extension Office will be closed.
- December 4th will be the club year-end pot-luck meeting, members will make goody bags to distribute around town.
New Officers were elected for the coming 2016-2017 year:
- Molly Stolzenberger, President
- Hatch Nelson, Vice President
- Emily Nelson, Secretary
- Bradley Musgrave, Treasurer
- Lakota Roberson, Reporter
- Alexa Nelson, Historian
- Chase Stolzenberger, Brinden Williams, Aaron Musgrave & Clayton Nelson, Recreation Leaders