Kiowa County Clerk’s election alert – make a plan to vote!
What will be on the june 25, 2024, election ballot?
- Representative to the 119th United States Congress- District 4
- State Board of Education Member- Congressional District 4
- Regent of the University of Colorado-At Large
- State Representative - District 47
- 15th Judicial District Attorney
- Kiowa County Commissioners- District 1
- Kiowa County Commissioners- District 3
- Representative to the 118th United States Congress- District 4 Vacancy Election
Is your registration up to date? Is your address correct or did you add a PO Box, had a name change, want to change your party affiliation? If you are not sure about your registration information, contact our office at delisa.weeks@state.co.us or 719-43 8-5421 for assistance. Make your corrections today to ensure you are able to vote for all of the candidates and issues in your area. Check your voter registration information at www.govotecolorado.gov
Do you know what party you are registered as on your voter registration record? Please take the time now to check at www.govotecolorado.gov
The deadline to change or withdraw party affiliation for this Election is June 3, 2024.
Ballots for all eligible registered voters will be mailed the week of June 3 - June 7, 2024.
Voters affiliated with the Democratic, Republican parties or unaffiliated will have the Primary Ballot content and the Representative to the 118th United States Congressional- District 4 Vacancy Election ballot content on the same ballot. Please check both sides of the ballot as there is content on both sides.
MINOR PARTY VOTERS: will receive a ballot with the Representative to the 118th United States Congressional- District 4 Vacancy election ONLY.
UNAFFILIATED VOTERS: Unaffiliated voters will receive the ballots of both major political party's ballot. This allows an unaffiliated voter to choose which party's ballot they will vote in. Unaffiliated voters may only return one party's ballot. Returning two voted ballots will result in neither ballot counting.
An unaffiliated voter who votes in a party's primary will remain unaffiliated. However, which ballot that you vote for will be a public record (but not who you voted for).
For Election questions, call 719-438-5421 or email: delisa.weeks@state.co.us