Agency on Aging seeks proposals for senior services
The Lower Arkansas Valley Area Agency on Aging is requesting proposals from qualified organizations interested in receiving a grant funded under the Older Americans Act to provide services to seniors age 60 and older in Region 6, which includes Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero, and Prowers Counties. Qualified organizations include nonprofits, for-profits, public agencies, and private incorporated organizations.
Funding is available for nutrition, chore, homemaker, personal care, transportation, caregiver support, legal, senior center, and disease prevention and health promotion services. Contracts for this period will be effective from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
The precise level of funding is unknown at this time and will not be known until an official appropriation is made. All funding is subject to revision following award of funds in accordance with final congressional appropriations. Funding for the initial plan will be based on state fiscal year 2019 funding at $662,147.00, appropriated into five categories:
- Title III-B: $89,749 for transportation, legal, in-home, and senior center services
- Title III-C: $177,238 for nutrition services
- Title III-D: $5,916 for evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion
- Title III-E: $33,719 for caregiver support services
- State Funds for Senior Services: $355,525 for a variety of senior services
Service specifications and a proposal guide may be obtained at the office of the Lower Arkansas Valley Area Agency on Aging, 13 W. 3rdStreet, Rm. 110, La Junta, CO 81050. Proposal guides will be mailed upon request. Completed proposals should be mailed or delivered to LAVAAA by 5:00 p.m., April 26, 2019. Applicants may contact Jim Collins at (719) 383-4844 or jim.collins@state.co.us with any questions regarding this request for proposals.