Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes – July 30, 2020
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Kiowa County Commissioners regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Scott on July 30, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Scott opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were:
- Richard Scott, Chairman of the Board
- Donald Oswald, Commissioner
- Howard “Butch” Robertson, Commissioner
- Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
- Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Robertson moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the special meeting minutes that were held on July 17, 2020. Motion carried.
Robertson moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended with the following additions: Old Business: Fair and Coroner and in New Business: Bylie Watson/COVID Position, Raise in Social Services and Abandon Right of Way Request. Motion carried.
Grant Updates: Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the GOCO application for the Disc Golf Course. Motion carried.
Landfill & Recycling Update: Adamson reported the compactor was repaired and working well.
Sales Tax Letter: The final letter was reviewed and signed by the Commissioners. They will be mailed out to county residences the first week of August.
Kiowa County Coroner, Jimmy Brown; entered the meeting at 9:34 a.m. to discuss a facility where he could store equipment for the Coroner. He said he would like to have office space and also refrigeration if possible. The BOCC agreed they would look into the matter and will get back in contact with County Coroner, Brown.
Michelle Wyckoff, Jimmy Brown and Roger Saffer members of the Planning and Zoning Board entered the meeting to discuss the Proposal from Invenergy. County Attorney, Don Steerman and Jerry Allen, Land Use Administrator entered the meeting by audio conferencing. Adamson had reported that Invenergy (wind tower) had been in contact with the BOCC and was requesting an amendment to the 1041 permit. After discussion it was agreed that Mr. Allen and County Attorney, Steerman will work on what types of permits or waivers should be put in place. Steerman said he felt there should be at least a Conditional Use Permit. He will contact Invenergy and let them know the county will need a very clear plan as to what they want. The Planning and Zoning exited the meeting at 10:30 a.m.
Adamson, Allen and Steerman will be in contact with each other so a Planning and Zoning meeting can be scheduled.
Belinda Zink with Zink and Associates entered the meeting at 10:55 a.m. by audio/video conferencing. A review of the single point entry plan was discussed. Zink will be doing a walk thru with the BOCC at the Senior Citizen addition the first week of August. Zink thanked the BOCC for their time and ended the call at 11:28 a.m.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to recess for lunch at 11:50 a.m. Motion carried. The meeting reconvened at 1:04 p.m.
Meetings and Reports were reviewed and signed.
Time off Request: Robertson moved and Oswald seconded to approve the time off request. Motion carried.
New Hire: Progress report. Adamson said the new hire was working very well and that there had been one Road and Bridge position resignation.
All Hazards-Mutual Aid Agreement: Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to sign the Mutual Aid Agreement amongst the 6 southeast counties. Motion carried.
Oswald moved Robertson seconded the motion to sign the Kiowa County EPR Independent Contract for the 2020-21 year with the SE Regional Health Planner (Kris Stokke). Motion carried.
Specht Building Permit: Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve a building permit for 4 grain bins by Jay Specht.
Vacate Streets & Alleys in Chivington: Adamson will contact the landowners to see if they are interested in vacating the streets and alleys in Chivington. Adamson will have further information at the next meeting.
Presidential Executive Order-American Heroes: Scott moved to submit Sand Creek National Park as a nominee for the American National Heroes. Oswald seconded the motion. Motion carried.
COVID Part Time Full Time Job: Robertson moved and Oswald seconded to ratify the hiring of the COVID position to Bylie Jo Watson. Motion carried. Watson has been gathering information and forming a questionnaire that she will be using when contacting the local businesses in regards to the effects COVID and has had on them.
Social Services Raise: Oswald moved to give the Eligibility Technician a raise for DSS. Scott seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Request for Abandon ROW- Adamson will contact County Attorney Steerman in regards to vacating County 49 between Y & Z. Both landowners will write a letter of agreement and submit to the County.
Fair Board Members: Cindy Pitman, David Walker, Areta Laird and Dawn Back; Fair Board Members and Extension Agent, Tearle Lessenden entered the meeting at 2:30 p.m. to discuss the plan of action the Fair Board will be submitting to Public Health.
Oswald moved to sign the Pre-Hazardous Mitigation Plan. Robertson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
With no other business to discuss, Oswald moved to end the meeting at 3:50 p.m. Robertson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Richard Scott,
Delisa L. Weeks,
County Clerk