Kiowa County Fire Protection District Board Meeting Minutes - May 15, 2018
Jay Specht called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Those present at the meeting were:
Jay Specht, President
Teresa Witte, Treasurer
Terry Riley, Director
Delton Eikenberg, Director
Karen Jones, Secretary
Also attending were District Chief A.J. McCracken, A.J. Bolin, Jayce Negley, and Darrell Hollis.
As a result of the May 8, 2018 Election the District recognized Teresa Witte as a returning Director, and Zach Kopasz as a newly elected Director. Zach took the Oath of Office as required by statute and was recognized as a full Director.
The Board then entered into the process of nominating and electing new Officers to the Board. Although nominations and voting did occur, members of the Board and audience expressed confusion after the meeting. It was suggested that the Board consider holding new elections at the next meeting in order to quench any confusion that might exist.
There was one addition to the Agenda under Old Business: add an item to consider the Sheridan Lake IGA. Teresa moved to accept the Agenda as amended, Delton seconded and the motion carried to approve the Agenda as amended.
The Minutes from meeting on 4/17/2018 were reviewed by all, and Terry moved to accept the Minutes with no changes. Delton seconded the motion and the motion carried to approve the Minutes for 4/17/2018 as submitted.
District Fire Chief, AJ McCracken presented several reports:
- He reported that the District has received a truck donated from Platteville. Repairs have been quoted to be around $20,000, but AJ said he hopes to lessen that substantially using our men to work repairs. He hopes this truck will fit in the Haswell station.
- A motion was made by Terry, seconded by Teresa, to add the truck on the insurance policy. The motion passed unanimously.
- AJ explained that he will be out of town until Monday, and that AJ Bolin will be in charge in his absence.
A motion was made by Teresa asking that the Board enter into Executive Session in accordance with C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f) to discuss a Personnel matter. Terry seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. The Executive Session began at 7:44 pm.
At 7:50 pm a motion was made by Terry to end the Executive Session, it was seconded by Zach and unanimously approved and the Session ended at 7:51 pm.
Discussion was held regarding the accounts held by the Town of Eads with SECPA and ESRTA on behalf of the Fire Department. While the Town had requested that the District reimburse the Town of Eads for payment of these bills all the way back to January of 2018, it was noted that the Town was not amenable to signing the IGA with the District until April and it did not seem appropriate for the District to pay bills prior to the IGA being in effect.
A motion was made by Delton to pay the SECPA and ESRTA bills and to reimburse the Town of Eads as indicated for April and May only. Additionally it was moved that the SECPA account be changed to reflect the Fire District, and the ESRTA account be cancelled. It was seconded by Zach, and approved unanimously except for Terry who abstained from the vote.
Karen explained that she was playing phone tag with Beth Hemenway regarding the FPPA Retirement account currently held by the Town of Eads.
The SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures) were discussed and a motion was made to amend the training hours required to be 16 hours per year. The motion was made by Terry, seconded by Delton, and approved by majority. Zach abstained.
The bills needing payment were reviewed, and Terry made a motion that all bills presented for payment be paid. Delton seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Karen made the suggestion that the District retain Mandy Brown, CPA for assistance in setting up the books correctly, and then they could be more properly maintained. Terry made a motion that Mandy be retained to do this, Zach seconded and it was approved unanimously.
The IGA agreement with Sheridan Lake was discussed as Jay had met with the group. Discussion was had to further getting the IGA signed and approved.
Karen presented details on the upcoming Rural Philanthropy Days event in Lamar and asked if the District would pay for her to attend. Teresa made a motion to pay for the registration and to cover the work day wages that the County will not cover. (The County Commissioners agreed to cover half of the time off). Terry seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
The next meeting will be June 19, 2018. As there was no other business Teresa made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Delton and unanimously approved at 8:55pm.
Jay Specht, President
Karen Jones, Secretary