Flags in front of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The building is surrounded by trees.

Kiowa County government payments - April 2024

Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen

The following vouchers were paid at the Regular Meetings held on April 11, 2024 & April 25, 2024 to be paid out of 2024 Budget to with:
American Legion-Post 125Historical Grant$    44,019.79
  $    44,019.79
Colorado Assn of Fairs & ShowsDues$           75.00
Mountain State Ranch RodeoMSRR Sanction Fee$         500.00
VisaSound  System Equipment$      1,688.75
  $      2,263.75
Kiowa County TreasurerEmployer/Employee Benefits$    18,730.15
Manhatten LifeElective Benefits$         385.80
Manhatten LifeElective Benefits$         385.80
  $    19,501.75
Atmos EnergyP/H - Gas$           49.53
Colorado State TreasurerUnemployment: CMG, PH 1st Qtr$           29.16
Deloach's Water ConditioningWater$           10.00
Eastern Slope Rural TelephonePH, Grant: Telephones$         156.93
Kiowa County TreasurerPH Employer/Employee Benefits/Direct Deposit$      9,530.09
Kiowa County IndepenentYearly Subscription$           52.00
GN BankH.S.A.$         259.00
Manhatten lifeElective Benefits$         326.94
Manhatten lifeElective Benefits   $         326.94
MASA MtsElective Benefits$           14.00
Mauch, SharonCMG: IOG Stipend$         495.00
Mauch, SharonCMG:IOG Stipend$         585.00
Pitstop Oil, LLCCMG: Fuel$           53.53
Prowers CountyPH: Kiowa PH, Covid ELCR2, #3, #4, EPR Grant$      4,294.25
S.E.C.P.A.PH: Electric  $         109.37
Town of EadsPH: Water  $         100.82
Unifirst CorporationOffice Supply$         112.54
Viaero WirelessCMG - Phone$         176.85
Visa - Girard National BankCMG: Office Supplies, Printing, Meetings, Postage$      1,918.31
  $    18,354.64
719 Metal Works LLCBuilding Repairs$         121.12
719 Supply LLCBldg Maint: Vehicle Maint; T-Van: Vehicle Maint$         169.90
Agritech ConsultingEcon Dev: E & W Towner Consulting$         862.40
Amazon Capital Services  Sheriff: Small Equipment$           86.20
American Environmental ConsultingLandfill: Consulting$      5,586.00
Arrowhead ForensicsSheriff: Small Equipment$         177.19
Artistic Custom BadgesSurcharge - Uniforms$      2,374.50
Atmos EnergyNatural Gas: Courthouse, Bransgrove Upstairs, Old Senior Bldg, BBQ, Comm. Bldg  $         477.99
Avenu  Treasurer & Assessor Contract$           41.43
Avenu  Treasurer & Assessor Contract$      2,803.56
Bent County SheriffSheriff Dispatch  $      5,000.00
Business Solutions Leasing  Service Agreement  $         179.97
CDFE  Landfill: User Fees$      1,385.30
Colorado Dept of RevenueGarnishment$         456.93
Colorado Natural GasUtilites: Recycling Shop  $         126.42
Colorado State TreasurerUnemployment$         341.54
Crow's Stop & ShopHealthy Choice, Meetings, Srs Meal, Maint Supplies$      3,562.74
CSU ExtensionExtension: 1st Qtr 2024$      9,403.10
Dinkel Gas Company, LLCUtilites: Towner Srs Propane$         600.00
District AttorneySalaries, Elected Official, Operating Supplies  $      2,901.67
Eads Auto SupplyBldg Supplies, Comm Bldg, Bldg Repairs, Welder, Fairgrounds, LF Equipment, LF Repairs$      3,324.44
Eads Consumer SupplyMaint Supplies, Fuel, Recycling, T-Van Fuel$      1,186.82
East End SeniorsStaff: Barbara Wilson$           75.00
Eastern Slope Rural TelephoneTelephone/Internet Services$      1,358.23
Engelhardt, DavidSmall Equipment Reimbursement$           67.42
Express TollSheriff: Misc, Unit 17$           17.70
Family Support RegistryAdmin: Garnishment$         585.00
GN BankDSS Van - Lease Payment$         453.91
GN BankH.S.A. Payable$         720.00
Gobin's Inc.  Admin -Service Agreement  $         100.60
Guzman, CarlosCounty Truck$      8,750.00
Hes Elevator Service INCRepairs: Courthouse Elevator$      1,887.00
Kiowa County Hospital DistrictLandfill: Pre-Employment Physical$           26.00
Kiowa County Hospital DistrictJail: Prisoner Meds$           30.90
Kiowa County IndependentT-Van: Advertising, Veteran: Advertising$         182.00
Kiowa County TreasurerCG Employer/Employee Benefits$  128,609.82
Kiowa County HospitalSheriff: Training Tests$           26.00
Kiowa DrugTreasurer: Office Supplies$           18.46
Legal ShieldElective Benefits$           12.95
Lenning, MichaelCommissioners Travel: February$         150.00
Manhatten LifeElective Benefits$      1,903.86
Manhatten LifeElective Benefits$      1,903.86
MASA MtsElective Benefits$         604.00
Oswald, DonaldCommissioners Travel: February$         251.25
Plains Heating & Air ConditioningCapital Outlay: Mini-Splits$    17,476.00
Procom LLCLandfill: Pre-Employment Testing$           45.00
Psychological ResourcesSheriff: Testing$         150.00
Ranahan ElectricSheriff: Impound Lot; Bldg Maint: Wiring$      9,223.65
Robertson, HowardCommissioners Travel: March$         138.75
S&K Fuel and RepairSheriff: Unit 91 Oil Change$         123.64
Saffer Spray ServiceBldg Maint: Chemicals$         594.00
Schneider Geospatial LLCAssessor: Capital Outlay$      8,621.71
S.E.C.P.A.Utilities-Electric$      5,057.39
S.E.C.P.A.New Service$      2,487.50
Sheridan Lake WaterDevelopment: Impact Projects$    40,000.00
Skaggs Companies INCSheriff: Uniforms$         180.00
State Industrial ProductsBldg Maint: Supplies$      1,312.05
State of Colorado-DPAClerk/Recorder Postage$         138.90
Terry's Body ShopSheriff: Van Repairs$         277.50
Thunderbird Petroleum Prod.Sheriff: Auto Fuel$           47.58
Town of EadsMurdock Eads Srs, Courthouse, Murdock NPS, Old Sr Bldg$         469.14
Towner Recreation DistrictTowner: Srs Utilities  $         150.00
UniFirstBldg Supplies, Maint. Uniforms, Eads Sr. Janitorial  $         471.51
U.S. Dept of the TreasuryGarnishment$         437.47
U.S. Postal ServiceEmergency Mgt: Box Rent$           84.00
Viaero-Wireless  Sheriff: Telephone$         293.58
Viaero Wireless  Landfill, Maint, DEM Telephone$         252.47
VISA-GNBOffice Supplies, Repairs, Travel/Meetings, Dues/Fees, Election Supplies, Fuel, Uniforms, Postage, etc.$      2,191.76
West End Golden SeniorsHaswell: Utilities$         300.00
West End Golden SeniorsSupplies$           61.04
WEX BankSheriff: Auto Fuel$      2,726.06
Wheatland Electric CooperativeTowner: Streetlight & Siren$         100.98
  $  239,627.29
4 RiversEquipment Repairs, Freight$      4,560.54
719 Supply LLCSupplies, Repairs, Equip Capital Outlay$      2,521.20
719 Supply LLCEquipment: Repairs$         360.53
ACE Tire Service LLCTires$      3,375.00
ATMOS EnergyUtility: Ead's Shop Gas$         101.23
Bruckner Truck SalesOutside Repairs$      4,115.01
Colorado Natural Gas Inc.Sheridan Lake Shop$         321.14
Colorado State TreasurerAdmin: Unemployment 1st Qtr 2024$         153.03
Commodity Credit CorporationWycoff Gravel Measurement$         124.00
Consolidated CommunicationsAdmin: SL Shop Phone$           59.50
Cordova Shed: Billie CordovaRent$         250.00
Eads Auto Supply & HardwareSupplies, Repairs, Tools, Oil, TV Tower Repair$      1,199.87
Eastern Slope TelephonePhone: Eads, Haswell Shop, Haswell Internet$         124.24
GN BankH.S.A$      1,202.00
John Deere CreditEquip Payments$      7,359.74
John Deere FinancialEquipment: Parts$         897.06
Kiowa County HospitalAdmin Physicals: DOT Labs$           26.00
Kiowa County TreasurerRB Employer/Employee Benefits$    40,236.38
Kopp, BrianWinshields Repaired$      2,256.76
Manhatten LifeElective Benefits$         313.87
Manhatten LifeElective Benefits$         313.87
MHC KenworthRepairs: Parts$           82.14
National Signs CoSigns, Shipping$      4,505.59
Northern Tool & Equipment COAdmin: Yearly Fees$           39.99
Procom LLCPhysicals: DOT Pre-Employment$           55.00
Quill CorpOffice Supplies$         433.13
RTH Farms LLCMaintenance Gravel$         544.00
S&K Fuel and RepairEquipment: Parts, Tires$         269.24
SECPAShop Electricity$         796.04
Sheridan Lake Water DistrictWater: SL Shop$           75.00
Spady, RickManhattan Life Reimbursement$           57.50
Standy-By-Power Service INCAdmin: SL DTR Tower Repair$      2,292.70
Town of EadsEads Shop - Water$         258.78
Town of HaswellHaswell Shop - Water$           40.00
UniFirst  Uniforms, Supplies$         290.39
VISARetirement Dinner$         595.05
Wagner Equipment COParts$         268.41
  $    80,473.93
Social Services
During the regular meetings of the Kiowa County Board of Social Services held during April 2024, the following bills were approved for payment.
General Operation$ 1,227.92 
General Assistance$            -   
Personnel$ 3,570.42 
Submitted by Dennis Pearson, Director, Kiowa County Dept of Social Services.
Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk
Donald Oswald, Chairman