Kiowa County Hospital District meeting minutes – July 27, 2021
KCHD Minutes July 27 2021
BOARD MEETING July 27, 2021
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on July 27, 2021, at
6:34 p.m. at Cobblestone Inn Meeting Room.
District Board members present were: Mary Eikner, Sylvia Shields, Craig Kerfoot, Ken Flory, and Meghan Buck.
County Board members present were: Karl Eikenberg, Claire Prince and Pam Cole. Absent -Kevin Davis ( called).
Others present: Gloria Trosper, Krissy Miller, Allan Lane, Caleb Lane, Brenda Smith, Renay Crain, Stephanie Sewell, Donald Oswald, Betsy Barnett, Cindy McLoud, Char Korrell, Ellen Lane, Shannon Dixon, Joe Shields, and Beth Spady.
The meeting was called to order by Sylvia Shields, Chairman of the Board at 6:34 pm.
Karl Eikenberg, Claire Prince, and Pam Cole.
Ken Flory was sworn in by Sylvia Shields as a District Board Member.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the June 22, 2021 minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Craig Kerfoot. All aye.
A motion was made by Ken Flory to approve the agenda as presented with the addition of Southeast Colorado Workforce Housing project and the removal of Personnel under Executive Session. Motion seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
No one was present for public comment.
Betsy Barnett visited with the Board about the Southeast Colorado Workforce Housing project. This collaborative effort is being led by Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development, Inc. (SECED) and Southern Colorado Economic District (SCEDD) and is targeted at six counties in Southeast Colorado to develop workforce housing. Eads could receive assistance to build up to six homes or duplexes in the community ranging in price from $150,000 - $300,000.
Dr. Eric Lyders and Dr. George Gustafson were approved for temporary privileges by Med Staff.
Med Staff Bylaws Section 7.3 was amended to add Dr. Margarite Bechis, Dr. Chad Knaus, and Dr. James Bowie to the list of current providers that can perform medical screening examinations.
Motion made by Mary Eikner and seconded by Pam Cole. All aye.
The Board reviewed and discussed the summary of policy and procedure revisions regarding the Nurse Aid Program and Emergency Care. Both polices have been emailed to the Board. All policies were reviewed by the Policy Committee and approved by Med Staff. After correcting a few grammar errors, a motion was made by Craig Kerfoot to approve all policies as discussed and seconded by Pam Cole. All aye.
New Xray equipment has been installed and training for staff has been completed. KCHD is waiting on a physicist to finalize the transition. There have been a few glitches with the transfer of data in part due to a bad switch, but this is being addressed by our IT contractors.
KCHD is updating our pharmacy contracts as part of the 340B program. The med list is being expanded to increase revenues.
Eastern Plains Healthcare Consortium (EPHC) visited with Colorado Senator John Hickenlooper about various ways he could support rural hospitals including but not limited to keeping COVID funds.
Colorado Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) and EPHC have been conversing with Kim at Colorado Health Care Policy and Finance (CHCPF) to help fund technology and staff recruitment through Hospital Transformation Program (HTP).
The June financials were reviewed and showed a profit for the month and year to date. In June, days cash on hand was 125 and days in AR was 80. There were several HHS expenses for the month. The cost reporting process for the HHS funds has started so we will know more in September of 2021. The Board requested a list of the HHS budgeted amounts compared to actual expenses.
The Board discussed the purchase of two commercial washers and two commercial dryers for the facility. A motion was made by Ken Flory to purchase all four units for $14,206. Mary Eikner seconded the motion. All aye.
The Board reviewed a full-time equivalent report pertaining to staffing in each department.
Several items purchased with HHS funds are being implemented in the facility - back up defibrillator, ventilator, stretcher weigh bed as well as new tables and chairs for the south side dining room. The newly purchased call light system is being programmed to be specific to things needed for patients on both sides of the hospital. The installation of the call system should begin in August.
The recent CNA class offered at KCHD had four students. Three of the four students will be working at KCHD. We plan to offer another CNA class in October of 2021.
The Chemo class for nursing staff has been rescheduled for October 11 and 12 of 2021. KCHD is working to get everything in place for offering chemo at our facility. The chemo medications can be run through the 340B program.
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed. Various measures including infection rate, medication errors, and falls were reviewed by the Board.
KCHD and CORHIO are working together to implement the Hospital Transformation Program.
There is a HIP AA security risk analysis scheduled for next month.
The Colorado Hospital Association (CHA) will be announcing changes for the Patient Family Advisory Council (PF AC) in October of 2021.
The focus at the clinic has been culture and workflow. Several changes are in progress that should positively impact both. Staff continue to work on the team-based care approach and will be utilizing a new system through Athena that is designed to streamline calls.
One PA who was interviewed has expressed an interest in coming to KCHD. Housing is a barrier at this time but KCHD is working to address this need.
There have been no new cases in Kiowa County for several months. Information from the State is showing an increase in cases due to the delta variant. Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment (CDPHE) is encouraging individuals to receive the COVID vaccine.
The Bylaws are being reviewed by legal counsel. The Board had a few suggestions on items to update in the Bylaws. These suggested revisions will be forwarded to legal counsel.
There was discussion about potential changes to the structure of the KCHD Board. A few members of the Board along with Char will visit with the Kiowa County Commissioners.
A motion was made by Ken Flory to go into executive session to consider mandatory nondisclosure provisions of open records act pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402( 4 )(g). Karl Eikenberg seconded the motion. All aye.
Executive session convened at 8:24 pm and was returned to regular session at 8:38 pm.
A motion was made by Ken Flory to go into executive session to consider sale of property interest pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402(4)(a). Craig Kerfoot seconded the motion. All aye.
Executive session convened at 8:43 pm and was returned to regular session at 8:46 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 pm.
Board Meeting 07.27.2021
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board
Mary Eikner, Secretary-Treasurer