Kiowa County Hospital District Weekly Update – July 15, 2022
Well-Child Exams & Sports Physicals
Eads Medical Clinic is offering Sports Physicals for all Grades. Come in for your Annual Well-Child Exam and your Sports Physical is FREE.
Sports Physicals apply to all school age children, including Preschool, College, Camp, Etc.
Consent Forms must be signed by a parent or guardian
$20 Fee for Sports Physicals without an Annual Well Child Visit. A Well-Child Exam may be Self-pay or billed to Insurance
You may download the form at https://sites.google.com/eadseagles.org/eadseagles/home scroll down on right hand of page and click the Physical Form box. This will open to a downloadable form for print out. You can also pick up blank hard copies if needed, the week of July 25th in Ms. Jackie office
Contact Eads Medical Clinic to schedule: (719) 443-225
Monday – Friday 7:30am – 6:00pm; Saturday 9:00AM – 1:00pm
Code of Conduct
Did you miss the deadline?? We need all staff and volunteers to review and return a signed acknowledgement of the revised Code of Conduct and returned to Human Resources ASAP!!
Recruitment & Referral Bonus
The Staffing Quest Continues: We are actively recruiting for the following positions: Dietary Aid, CNAs, Housekeeping Aide
(Recruitment of these new team members would qualify for a Recruitment Bonus – see below)
$500 Employee Referral Bonus for full-time (FT) positions; $250 Employee Referral Bonus for part-time (PT)positions
- On date of hire of the applicant, the referring KCHD employee will receive $50 (FT position) or $25 (PT position)
- After 6 months of employment by the applicant, the referring KCHD employee will receive $150 (FT) or $75 (PT)
- At the conclusion of 1 year of employment by the applicant, the referring KCHD employee will receive the remaining $300 (FT) or $150 (PT) of the $500 (FT) or $250 (PT) Referral Bonus
- All applicable taxes and withholdings will be deducted as required by law
- Payment will be made in accordance with normal Payroll processes and timelines.
- No previous applications are eligible
- Procedures:
- Applicant must list the KCHD Employee as a reference on their application for employment
- KCHD Employee must submit written request for Referral Bonus to HR for verification.
* Employers are facing more severe talent shortages than any time in history. With this program, you can help us ‘pick the team.’ Questions can be directed to HR
Premium Pay
The Premium Pay policy for picking up additional critical shifts in your work area was expanded to include the dietary, housekeeping and laundry departments.
Critical Shifts and Staffing
If you are able to pick-up a critical shift in another department, especially housekeeping or dietary, overtime pay is approved should you exceed 40 hours/week. Please help if you can.
COVID-19 Community Level
Last week Kiowa County COVID-19 Community Level was High. As of yesterday, Thursday July 14, we dropped to Low.
Per the CDC, Recommended actions based on current level:
Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines. Get tested if you have symptoms. Wear a mask if you have symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19. Wear a mask on public transportation. You may choose to wear a mask at any time as an additional precaution to protect yourself and others.
Time Period: COVID-19 Community Levels were calculated on Thu Jul 14 2022. New COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population (7-day total) are calculated using data from Thu Jul 07 2022 - Wed Jul 13 2022. New COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 population (7-day total) and Percent of inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients (7-day average) are calculated using data from Wed Jul 06 2022 - Tue Jul 12 2022.
Do we need to still be wearing a mask at the hospital and clinic?
The short answer……YES!
State law requires people to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep others safe.
KCHD requires masks in all patient care settings as well as areas where groups are unable to adhere to social distancing, REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS.
CDPHE: Colorado Vaccine Mandate Expires July 14
On July 14, the Colorado Board of Health vaccine mandate expired.
Note: The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) vaccine mandate remains in effect.
Key takeaways for licensed facilities and agencies:
- Effective July 14, current obligations under Part 12 of 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 2 related to COVID-19 vaccination expire.
- This includes the associated obligation to report into Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) on a twice-monthly basis.
- Facilities certified by CMS are still subject to the federal government’s vaccine mandate.
- The requirements of Part 11 of Chapter 2 regarding vaccination against influenza are still in effect and not impacted by the expiration of these emergency rules.
- Despite the expiration of these rules, facilities and agencies may maintain any mandatory vaccination policies they have adopted to date.
Colorado health insurance prices set to jump next year — at least for some
Article posted in the Colorado Sun on 7/13/22: Premium rates could increase 11% on average statewide for people buying insurance on their own, but regulators say the Colorado Option will provide some relief
Bad news on insurance costs for our patients. “The biggest increases will likely be seen on the Eastern Plains and Western Slope, where insurers are proposing an average increase for the individual market premiums of 21% and 19.2% respectively.”
The search for a permanent CEO is underway
The KCHD Board has completed the candidate screening process and has announced 2 candidate finalists:
Cole White – currently serving as CFO at a Providence hospital in Alaska; has served as CFO and/or CEO at Rural Hospitals in Wyoming, Montana and Colorado
Chris Besser – currently resides in Colorado and completing the final year of 23 serving as CEO and/or COO in Army field hospitals in addition to healthcare administration academic appointments in Montana, Texas and New York
The finalists will be visiting during the week leading up to the “Maine Street Bash” to get to know our team, and during the “Bash” on Saturday July 30th, they will have the opportunity to get to know our friends and neighbors as well.