NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Kiowa County Board of Commissioners/1041 Permitting Authority willhold a Public Hearing to consider a 1041 Permit amendment application.
APPLICANT: Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation conducting business as Xcel Energy
LOCATION: As described in the Application For Site Selection and Construction of Major Facilities of a Public Utility Colorado’s Power Pathway Project – 1041 Permit Amendment.
ZONES: Agricultural
REQUEST: That the Kiowa County Board of Commissioners/1041 Permitting Authority approve an amendment to the current Permit to Conduct a Designated Activity of State Interest or to Engage in Development in a Designated Area of State Interest – Colorado’s Power Pathway 345 KV Project including the May Valley Substation expansion, equipment additions and modifications.
1041 Permit Authority/Board of County Commissioners Hearing: February 13, 2025, starting at 10:00 a.m. to be held at the Commissioners Meeting Room, 1305 Goff Street, Eads, Colorado 81036. The hearing will be conducted in person.
Additional information regarding the specifics of this application is available for public inspection in the Kiowa County Administration Office at 1305 Goff Street, Eads, Colorado 81036 and on the Kiowa County web page at https://kiowacounty.colorado.gov All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing orsubmit a statement with opinions and comments on the proposed 1041 land use change/permit.
Please note that it is inappropriate to personally contact individual County Commissioners or Planning Commission members while an application is pending. Such contact is considered ex parte communication and will have to be disclosed as part of the public hearings on the matter. If you have any concerns, you should contact staff, write a letter or present your concerns at the public meeting so your comments can be made part of the record. Any questions concerning this application can be directed to Tina Adamson, Kiowa County Administrator at 719-438-5810. Public comments and questions can also be submitted electronically tokiowaco100@gmail.com. Also, note that if you use a representative to present your comments, it is morepersuasive if you provide written authorization for that person to represent you.
Pursuant to County Policy and Procedures, comment letters containing technical information, data orreferences to other materials must be submitted seven calendar days prior to the public hearing. Publiccomments not containing technical information, data or references to other materials may be submitted two business days prior to the hearing. Late submittals may not be reviewed by the Board and the Board at its discretion may accept submittals on the day of the hearing.
Approval of the subject application or development may result in the establishment of a vested property right.
Published January 24, 2025
In the Kiowa County Press