Kiowa County Public Health COVID-19 weekly update – December 9, 2020 – 56 cases, 2 deaths in Kiowa County
- Cases 56
- Hospitalizations 3
- Deaths 2
*These are cumulative totals as of 12/09/2020 3pm
- CASES PAST 7 days: 23
Positivity rates have risen and the testing frequency is about the same. Kiowa county is currently at 16.18%, up from 9.09% last week. Our goal is to keep this under five percent.
There is a new Public Health Order which can be found at covid19.colorado.gov. Kiowa is dial level RED. The major changes to the previous order are as follows:
- Section II - throughout this section, the hospitalization metric was clarified as requiring a minimum of 8 days of stable or declining rates to move from a more restrictive to a less restrictive level
- Section II.D.j, E.j, F.j, and G.j: repealed houses of worship and life rites sectors
- Section II.F.k: authorized educational indoor settings, such as museums, to operate at 25% not to exceed 25 people per room in Level Red
- Section II.G.g: removed the requirement that services rendered in limited healthcare settings in Level Purple may only be open to provide services that have been ordered by a medical provider
- Section III.L: repealed houses of worship and life rites sectors
- Section III.R: clarified that quarantine and isolation must follow CDPHE guidance
- Section IV.D: critical government functions definition amended to specifically include sheriff authorized search and rescue
- Section IV.Q: removed pastoral services as regulated through the personal services sector
- Appendix A: amended critical services to include houses of worship and associated ceremonies, such as weddings
- Appendix H: clarified that bars operating only curbside pickup, takeout and delivery are not required to sell food
- Kiowa County schools are currently attending in person. Please stay in contact with your school district for the most up to date information. For more specifics check here: https://covid19.colorado.gov/data/covid-19-dial
- CHSAA has delayed the start of Season B, C and D sports. Stay in touch with your school for the latest update. The state will have to approve a variance to allow these seasons to start. Read more here: https://chsaanow.com/2020-12-07/season-b-sports-delayed-as-statewide-covid-cases-rise/.
- The Colorado State Legislature is in an Emergency Session to create aid packages and relief for small businesses and other assistance. The aid will be available very quickly.
- Public Health must report all deaths in COVID-19 positive patients. The process to decide whether or not the person died of COVID-19 or with COVID-19 is done at the state and federal level (CDPHE and CDC). Local public health does not have input in this process
Governor Polis and State Epidemiologist Dr Rachel Herlihy are asking 3 things of all Coloradans:
1.Interact with only those in your household - This means all Coloradans need to do their best to avoid any social interactions with friends and family outside of their homes throughout the month of November.
2.Keep your distance - Just because an individual is wearing a mask doesn’t mean they aren’t at risk if they are interacting with others in close proximity. Coloradans have to do a better job of staying six or more feet away from others.
3.Wear a Mask - The numbers are clear. If an individual wears a mask, they have a much lower risk of getting or transmitting the virus.
- Please stay in touch with your school district for current status.
- Please look here: https://covid19.colorado.gov/isolation-and-quarantine for isolation and quarantine information.
- If you think you may have symptoms of COVID-19, or may have been exposed, and are interested in testing, call 719-438-5401 and ask for the lab. If you are having severe symptoms such as significant trouble breathing, etc. call 911.
- There continues to be a Mask Mandate for those over the age of 10 in all indoor spaces other than home.
- Stay home if not feeling well, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently or use 60+% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wear a mask/face covering to contain any respiratory droplets and stay at least 6 feet from others and minimize gatherings.
- Our hospitals that we depend on to transfer patients to when they need a higher level of care are at or heading to capacity. PLEASE do your part to turn this trend around!
Call Public Health with any questions at 719-336-8721.