Kiowa County Public Library closing to in person services Monday
Due to the increasing numbers of positive COVID-19 cases in Kiowa County, and the Southeast region of Colorado, the Kiowa County Board of Commissioners made the difficult decision to close county buildings for public access effective Monday, November 23, 2020. The Kiowa County Public Library District (KCPLD) will be following this closure effective until January 1, 2021. KCPLD staff will remain working on-site.
While the doors are closed, you can still access many of our services.
Library Curbside and Home Delivery Services available! View our entire library collection on our online catalog anytime, anywhere. Plus thousands of Inter-Library Loan options – Yes, this service WILL continue during this closure. Visit our website to access the online catalog and view our catalog training, or you can call the Library for assistance!
There will be NO late fees or fines charged for materials that are checked out during this time.
We have thousands (literally) of eBooks and eAudiobooks available through our Cloud Library app.
Several children’s Fun Totes available to borrow - Including jigsaw puzzles for all the family to enjoy!
Public Computers can still be accessed by appointment.
Our 24/7 Wi-Fi can be accessed by anyone outside of the Library all day, every day.
NEW - We now have Viaero Wireless Hotspots to lend out! (Limited supply.) Call the Library for details.
Our online databases are available 24/7 through our website – Resources for all school age and academic students; small engine and auto repair help; genealogy; and many more!
You can still utilize our print, scan, copy, and fax services during this closure. Call the Library to make arrangements.
We are “gearing up” to start offering a new monthly make-and-take craft bag program. More details about this program coming very soon - Watch for updates in the newspapers and our Facebook page!
Yes, our doors are unfortunately closed again this year, but we are still working diligently to serve the heart of the Library, which is YOU, the Kiowa County Community! Thank you for your understanding and support during this trying time. Please call us anytime for any and all Library needs - We are happy to help!
Library Curbside Pickup Service
1.Offered Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
2.You can request items on our online catalog or by phone.
3.When requesting items online, you will be contacted by Library staff to make pickup arrangements.
4.When picking up your items you will need to follow the following guidelines:
Park in the East courthouse parking; remain in your vehicle; pop your trunk, unlock your hatch, etc. (if that’s not an option roll down the window of an unoccupied seat) when Library staff approaches your vehicle; we will place your items inside of your vehicle for you.
Home Delivery Service
1.Offered Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
2.Limit of one home delivery per week.
3.If you live more than 10 miles from the Library special delivery arrangements will be made on case-by-case basis.
4.You can request items on our online catalog or by phone.
5.When requesting items online, you will be contacted by Library staff to make delivery arrangements.
6.When Library staff delivers your items we ask that you remain inside your home. We will set your items in the location you specified when making delivery arrangements.
KCPLD Contact Information:
Phone – 719-438-5581
Email – kcpld.eads@gmail.com
Website – kiowacounty.colibraries.org
Facebook – facebook.com/KiowaCountyPublicLibrary