Lacking proof, Wyoming official warns of noncitizens voting
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(Wyoming News Service) Wyoming's secretary of state is asking county clerks to report non-citizens who try to vote, although cases of that - or any other - kind of election fraud are negligible.
According to The Heritage Foundation, there have been four cases of election fraud in Wyoming over the last 23 years - three registrants with incorrect addresses and one convicted felon who voted.

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Despite that low rate, Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray is raising the alarm over the possibility of non-citizens attempting to vote.
Juan Rosa - the national director of civic engagement for the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund - said there is no crisis of non-citizens voting.
"Every audit and every sort of examination of voting over the last few elections," said Rosa, "points out that there's actually very little fraud or attempts at fraud that happen in our elections."
Wyomingites registering to vote must provide proof of identity. Gray this spring proposed a rule to require additional proof of residency.
Governor Mark Gordon rejected it, saying the proposal doesn't fall within the secretary's authority - a position supported by the Legislative Service Office.
Still, the governor issued an executive order in September bolstering the state's efforts to prevent non-citizens from voting.
Rosa reminded voters that the election process includes safeguards to ensure secure elections. And he added that a delayed result does not necessarily signify a problem.
"The system is supposed to work in a way that takes a few days and, in some cases, even weeks," said Rosa, "for states to go back and ensure that every vote that is cast on Election Day is counted appropriately."
Results delivered on Election Day aren't official until they are certified. The polls are open until 7:00 p.m. today.