Lamar Community College nursing program boasts perfect pass rate
Lamar Community College (LCC) Nursing Program's graduating class of 2020 has achieved a perfect pass rate for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Nurses who pass the NCLEX-RN exam demonstrate that they possess the competencies needed to perform safely and effectively as newly licensed, entry-level RNs.
These students faced unique challenges to completing their nursing education this semester due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Faculty worked one-on-one with students and utilized high-fidelity human patient simulations in order to finish the spring semester when clinical sites were locked down. These students enjoyed individualized attention and found that they were able to think like nurses, thanks to the college's specialized programming and utilization of high-fidelity human patient simulation. Utilizing clinical judgement is the goal for nursing students and having these resources built into the LCC program assisted with the increase in NCLEX-RN pass rates.
Nursing and Allied Health Program Director Kathy Henderson and program faculty Mary Ann Turner, Nancy Winsor and Jordan Mallard are all incredibly proud of this graduating class and commend them for their persistence, flexibility and resilience in meeting the extra challenges of this year.
"Nursing school is very rigorous, and I applaud each and every graduate of the program for their hard work and dedication to becoming health care providers," Henderson said. "My heart is so happy when I see former graduates working as Registered Nurses in our community. That's what it's all about."
Currently LCC's nursing program has no waiting list and the entrance exam has been waived for the Fall semester. LCC will be following college, county and state-mandated restrictions in place due to COVID-19. The program will follow a hybrid format with partial virtual education and on-campus learning when it is feasible, including laboratory practice in smaller groups. Currently, the nursing program has two clinical facilities that will allow students to complete their required clinical hours. Adjustments may be made to the curriculum due to the evolving nature of the pandemic.
"Our students succeed because of the personal attention each student receives from the faculty and staff," Henderson said. "Our program is special because nursing faculty go that extra mile, including providing weekly study sessions for students who wish to participate and ask questions."
Faculty members stay in touch with the graduates and ask that they report the results of taking this very difficult national exam. Once faculty know the graduate has tested, the information is confirmed with a review of the Colorado State Board of Nursing website.
The nursing program at LCC began in 1989 as a one-year practical nursing (PN) certificate to meet the needs of the health care community in southeast Colorado. The Associate of Applied Science degree (A.D.N.) was added in the fall of 2000 to provide registered nurses (RNs) for the area. The current program has a PN exit option after completion of the first year of the nursing program.
For more information about the LCC Nursing Program, contact Shealynn McCracken at 719-336-1594 or Shealynn.mccracken@lamarcc.edu